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09/14/99 TUE 11:06 FAX 1704939140! DSS ~008 -- <br /> <br />SUCCESSFUL METHODS PREVIOUSLY USED: The methods that we plan to use <br />have been utilized in Cabarms County in the past with very successful results. In 1992, <br />the agency bel~an a prolp'am called "Sobs for Dad~', which used many of these same <br />principles to work with absent non-custodial parents in order to help them obtain <br />employment and pay the delinquent child support owed to their children. This pro,mm <br />wes very success~tl durin~ its entire duration fi~om 1992 until 1999. Xt ended after the <br />NC Employment and Tralning Grant Program no lonser fonded any job training <br />programs in the state. We won several awards for innovation and success, including the <br />NC Association of County Commissioners Award and a Governor's Award for <br />Excellence in Workforce Development. We also won a nalional award through the <br />National Association of Counties. This proBram was very etfectlve at worldn, g with the <br />absent parents and educatin_,a and counseling them as to their responsibilities to their <br />children. We viewed ourselves as very successfol in that we achieved a 75% collection <br />rate on those tlut! we worked with, who most likely would not have been paying child <br />support at all without our assistance and support. Also, in 1~95, we were approved for <br />the first welfare re~m program in the state with our ~Fer/~ OVer ~Fe/~'~ <br />program. We used creative methods, including diverting cash assistance and food stamps <br />to employers to help make a salary, in order to make our pm~,m successful. This <br />benefit, coupled with intensive social work services stat ,h-ici sanctions, helped us reduce <br />our WI~FA population from 1,013 in 1995, to 517 in Ausust of I999, a 49% decrease in <br />recipients. <br /> <br />ADDITIONAL ]NI~ORMATION ABOUT OUR PROPOS~n PROJECT: Our <br />commitment in C.~hamis County to employing welfkre recipients reinforces this proposal. <br />We have continually been at the forefront in welt'are refbrm in the state ~nd nation. Our <br />~FO~' and .lob.t'or Dads programs have served a large ses,,,ent o£ the public assisUmce <br />recipients in C~barms County, and we anticipate that the ".lol~fer,41~4tFDf" program <br />will reaoh out to a wider sesment. We have no reason to doubt that our efforts in this <br />arcna will be as suoceasful as we have previously been. We always strive for innovation <br />and excellence, and settle for nothing less. <br /> <br /> <br />