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The Most Commonly Asked Questions About the Campaign <br /> <br />Wbat is Pannership for Tomorrow? <br /> Partnership for Tomorrow is a five-year plan to enhance and accelerate economic and <br /> community development in Cabarrus County. This program will enable our area to seize the <br /> opportunities for new and expanded business and industry, give our businesses a strong voice in the <br /> public policy arena and assist our educational system to improve the job skills of our county's labor <br /> force. The program will also fund completion of construction on the new Chamber headquarters. <br /> <br />~ Wbo will benefit l~om tbe program? <br />' 'Al1 of the businesses and industries in Cabarrus County will benefit from new capital investment, <br />a larger and better-educated workforce and the additional tax revenue that this targeted development <br />activity will generate. <br /> <br />~ What is thegoal o£ ?anuership for Tomorrow? <br />·· The goal of Partnership for Tomorrow is to establish a funding mechanism that will strengthen <br /> the Chamber of Commerce and allow it to expand its role as "the voice of business" in our community. <br /> The establishment of this type of funding will allow the Chamber to invest in projects far greater than <br /> annual dues or one-time sponsorships would allow. It will allow for projects that drive economic <br /> prosperity in the county and result in a greatly expanded program for existing businesses. It will provide <br /> businesses with a more active role in the economic development activities that create additional jobs and <br /> expanded payrolls. <br /> <br />What will be the cost to implement the Partnership for Tomorrowprogram? <br /> It will cost $470,000 for each year of the five-year program, or a total of $2,350,000 over the <br /> five-year period. <br /> <br />To what extent are the C/fy and Coun(y supporting, Partnership for Tomorrow? <br /> The Partnership for Tomorrow initiative is a cooperative effort of the Chamber of Commerce <br /> and the Cabarrus County corporate community and is funded entirely by the private sector. <br /> Representatives from the County and municipalities throughout Cabarrus County have been <br /> instrumental in the creation of this dynamic program of work and are strongly supportive from both a <br /> philosophical and financial standpoint. <br /> <br />Who will be asked to invest ia Partnership for Tomorrow? <br />, . Every business and industry in Cabarrus County will have the opportunity to invest in this vital <br /> five-year program. <br /> <br /> <br />