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Is my live-year investment in Part~ership for Tomorrow tax deductible? <br /> Yes. Contributions to Partnership for Tomorrow are 100% deductible as normal and customary <br /> business expenses, however, we suggest that you check with your tax advisor regarding your specific <br /> situation. <br /> <br />.How long do we have to pay ourpledge, and when is the tTrstpaymcnt due? <br /> We are seeking investments over a five-year period. Those investments may be paid on either a <br /> quarterly, semi-annual or annual basis at your election. An invoice will be mailed to your business at <br /> the interval you select. <br /> <br />.~ Is it possible for my company to earmark its pledge for a specilic purpose? <br /> While the Chamber would prefer that investments be made to the general fund, specific requests <br /> to direct your pledge to a particular project will be honored if possible. <br /> <br />Is an 'gn-ka'nd"pledge o£products and/or services acceptable? <br /> Absolutely. At the discretion of the Campaign General Chairman, donations of either goods or <br /> services that are of direct benefit to the Cabarrus Regional Chamber of Commerce will be accepted from <br /> our partners in the community. <br /> <br />.Are pledges to Partnership for Tomorrow restricted to Cabanas County businesses? <br /> No. We would welcome investments from any business that wishes to support Parmership for <br /> Tomorrow. Vendors to Cabarrus County businesses, organizations who draw from the workforce or <br /> individuals who simply believe strongly in Cabarrus County's bright and promising future are welcome <br /> to invest in Partnership for Tomorrow. <br /> <br />Why do we need a new Chamber facility? <br /> The new facility will be the front door to our community, and it is important that the first contact <br /> visitors have is a positive one. The new facility will demonstrate that the Chamber of Commerce is a <br /> strong company with a solid vision. It will also build the image of the Chamber and cement the merger. <br /> <br />.What happened to the Chamber's reserve land? <br /> The reserve fund actually enabled the Chamber to go ahead with the purchase of land and begin <br /> construction of the new facilty. However, the Chamber is committed to preserving a portion of that <br /> reserve "for a rainy day." In fact, theirs is the largest reserve fund in the state at over $300,000. <br /> <br /> <br />