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DRAFT <br /> <br /> 474 <br /> <br /> WHEBEAS, the County of Cabarrus is applying for funding to the <br /> North Carolina Commerce Finance Center for the installation of water to <br /> serve the BOC and Corning proposed facilities off Highway 601 in the <br /> Wallace Industrial Park and using Community Development Block Grant <br /> funds, and <br /> WHEREAS, the funding source requires a reoapture plan of grant <br /> monies from connections to the water lines; <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, SE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Commissioners of <br /> the County of Cabarrus, that: <br /> Section 1: Future users connecting to the lines funded through the <br /> CDBG-ED grant who have not participated financially in the construotion <br /> of the extension shall be required to pay an assessment fee for each <br /> line connection as follows: <br /> <br /> Assessment A or B applies - (whichever is greater). <br /> <br /> A. 3/4" service meter --- $500.00 <br /> 1" service meter --- $500.00 <br /> 2" Service meter --- $1,000.00 <br /> 4" service meter --- $1,000.00 <br /> 6" service meter --- $2,000.00 <br /> Fire Line ..... $1,000.00 <br /> <br /> E. Commercial and Industrial users will be assessed $2,000.00 <br /> per developed acre. Any additional acreage will be assessed as <br /> it is developed. <br /> <br /> This fee is in addition to normal fees and shall be paid to <br /> Cabarrus County in full prior to connection to the lines and will be <br /> reviewed from time to time as appropriate. <br /> Section 2: The assessment fee required in Section 1 shall not be <br /> imposed on any business that is owned by low-and moderate-income <br /> persons, any business whose employees total at least 51% iow-and <br /> moderate-income persons, or any residence that is owned and Occupied by <br /> low-and moderate-income persons. <br /> Section 3: In the event a person who owns acreage with a home wants <br /> to connect to the lines the assessment fee will be $500.00 for the home <br /> only. In the event the property is developed further, the fee schedule <br /> in Section 1 will be in effect. <br /> Section 4. Cabarrus County reserves the right to reduce the <br /> assessment fee charged to future users based upon the user's economic <br /> impact on the County's overall economy and with the concurrence of the <br /> commerce Finance Center. <br /> Section 5. All revenues generated by this assessment fee shall be <br /> used in the following manner. Fifty percent (50%) of all revenues <br /> generated shall, for a period of three (3) years, be returned to the <br /> Economic Development Fund at the Commerce Finance Center for the <br /> funding of future Economic Development projects. The fifty percent <br /> (50%) retained by the County shall be used to finance future capital <br /> improvements to the County's utility system with the priority placed <br /> upon the improvements to benefit low-and moderate-income persons. <br /> Adopted this 20th day of January, 1998. <br /> /s/ Sue S. Casper <br /> Sue E. Casper, Chairman <br /> Board of Commissioners <br /> /s/ Frankie F. Bonds <br /> Clerk to the Board <br /> <br />Animal Control pro, ram - New Adoption Program Guldelines~ Amendment to the C~de <br />of ordinances and Resolution Establishin~ an $8.00 Per Day Confinement Fee <br /> <br /> UPON MOTION of Commissioner Mills, seconded by Commissioner Barnhart and <br />unanimously carried, the Board endorsed the Guidelines as set forth below for the <br />operation Of the Adoption Program by the Humane Society, adopted the A~endment <br />to the Code of Ord£nances and adopted the resolution establishing a fee of $8.00 <br />per day for the quarantine and/or confinement of aeimals by the Animal Control <br />Division. <br /> <br />Adoption Guidelines: <br />1. Members of the Humane Society will staff the shelter facility on Monday, <br /> Wednesday and Friday from 6:00 PM until 9:00 PM and on Saturday from 10:00 <br /> AH until 2:00 PM. (Schedule subject to change based on demand and volunteer <br /> availability.) <br /> <br /> <br />