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5(:}2 <br /> <br />DRAFT <br /> <br />Protection and Competition Act of 1992; and the Teleco~unications Act of <br />1996 as they may be amended or succeeded from time to time. <br /> 3.8 CONVERTER means an electronic device which converts signals to a <br />frequency not susceptible to interference within the television receiver of a <br />subscriber, and any channel selector which permits a subscriber to view all <br />signals delivered at designated converter dial locations at the set or by <br />remote control. <br /> 3.9 DISCRETE CHANNEL shall mean a channel which can only be received <br />by the person and/or institution intended to receive signals on such channel. <br /> 3.10 DROP shall mean a coaxial connection from feeder cable to the <br />subscriber/user television set, radio or other terminal. <br /> 3.11 EDUCATIONAL ACCESS CHANNEL means any channel designated for non- <br />co~ercial educational access use. <br /> 3.12 FAIR MARKET VALUE means the price that a willing buyer would pay <br />to a willing seller for a going concern based on the system valuation <br />prevailing in the industry at the time. <br /> 3.13 FCC means the Federal Communications Co, lesion and any legally <br />appointed successor. <br /> 3.14 FRANCHISE means the nonexclusive rights granted pursuant to this <br />Ordinance to construct, operate and maintain a Cable Television System along <br />the public ways within all or a specified area in the County. Any such <br />authorization, in whatever form granted, shall not mean or include any <br />license or permit required for the privilege of transacting and carrying on a <br />business within the County as required by other ordinances and laws of the <br />County. <br /> 3.15 FRANCHISE AREA means the entire County, or portions thereof, for <br />which a Franchise is granted under the authority of this Ordinance. If not <br />otherwise stated in the Franchise, the Franchise area shall be the corporate <br />limits of the County, including all territory thereafter annexed to the <br />County. <br /> 3.16 FRANCHISE FEE means the percentage, as specified by the County, <br />of the Franchisee's gross annual revenues in exchange for the rights granted <br />pursuant to this Ordinance and the Franchise Agreement. <br /> 3.17 FRANCHISEE or GRANTEE means the natural person(s), <br />partnership(s), domestic and foreign corporation(s), association(s), joint <br />venture(s), or organization(s) of any kind which has been legally granted a <br />Franchise by the County, and its lawful successor, transferee or assignee. <br /> 3.18 GOVERNMENT ACCESS CHANNEL means any channel specifically <br />designated or dedicated for non-commercial government access use. <br /> 3.19 GRANTOR means the County of Cabarrus as represented by the Board <br />of County Co~u~issioners acting within the scope of its jurisdiction. <br /> 3.20 GROSS ANNUAL REVENUES means all revenue collected annually <br />directly or indirectly from the franchise area by the Graotee, and/or all <br />revenue collected by Grantee's affiliates, subsidiaries, and any person in <br />which the Grantee has a financial interest from or in connection with the <br />operation of the Cable System. The gross revenues do not include any tax, <br />fee, or assessment of general applicability (including any such tax, fee or <br />assessment imposed on both utilities and cable operators or their services, <br />but not including a tax, fee or assessment which is unduly discriminating <br />against cable operators or cable subscribers). Franchise fees shall not be <br />paid twice on gross annual revenues from the sale of any merchandising or <br />progra~u~ing on a progra~ing service owned in whole or in part by the <br />Grantee, its affiliates, subsidiaries and any person in which the Grantee has <br />a financial interest. For example, assuming that Grantee has an interest in <br />a programming service (i.e., XYZ) which is a national home shopping service, <br />Grantee would pay a franchise fee on any co, lesion or fee received by <br />Grantee for the transaction, but XYZ service would not pay a franchise fee on <br />the revenues received from a Cabarrus transaction. <br /> 3.21 INSTALLATION shall mean the connection of the system from feeder <br />cable to subscribers' terminals. <br /> 3.22 LEASED ACCESS CHANNEL, or CO}{MERCIAL ACCESS CHANNEL means any <br />channel designated or dedicated for use by persons unaffiliated with the <br />Grantee, at rates which are in accordance with applicable law. <br /> 3.22a LOCAL PROCRAMMING CHANNEL means a channel designated for local <br />progra~ing programmed by the GRANTEE. <br /> 3.23 MONITORING means observing a communications signal, or the <br />absence of a signal, where the observer is not a party to the communication, <br />whether the signal is observed by visual or electronic means, for any purpose <br />whatsoever. <br /> 3.24 NARROWCASTING shall mean the ability to distribute cable <br />prograraming to a particular segment or segments of the cable subscribers. <br /> 3.25 NON-COF. MERCIAL means access channel use in a manner similar to <br />Public Broadcasting Service station programming and underwriter <br /> <br /> <br />