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501 <br /> <br />DRAFT <br /> <br />services involve County agencies and other public institutions, by providing <br />governmental, educational or health care communications. <br /> Por these purposes, the following goals underlie the regulations <br />contained herein: <br /> a) Cable services should be provided to the maximum number of County <br /> residents. <br /> b) The system should be capable of accommodating both the present and <br /> reasonably foreseeable future communications needs of the County. <br /> C) The system should be improved and upgraded during the Franchise <br /> term. <br /> d} The cable system authorized by this Ordinance sharl be responsive <br /> to the needs and interests of the local comamunity, and shall <br /> provide the widest possible diversity of information sources and <br /> services to the public. <br /> e) That the public, educational and governmental needs for access to <br /> the Cable Television System are met. <br /> TITLE OF ORDINANCE <br /> This Ordinance shall be known and may be cited as "Cabarrus County <br /> Cable Television Ordinance," and it shall become a part of the ordinances of <br /> the County. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after <br /> its adoption. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the <br /> provisions of this Ordinance are hereby repealed. <br /> III. DEFINITIONS <br /> For the purpose of this Ordinance the following terms, phrases, words <br /> and their derivations shall have the meaning given herein. When not <br /> inconsistent with the context, words used in the present tense include the <br /> future, words in the plural number include the singular number. The word <br /> "shall" is mandatory and the word "may" is permissive. Words not defined <br /> shall be given their common and ordinary meaning. <br /> 3.1 BASIC SERVICE means a separately available tier to which <br /> subscription is required for access to any other tier of service. Such tier <br /> shall, at a minimum, consist of the following: ali signals carried in <br /> fulfillment of Cable Act, Sections 614 and 615; any public, educational, and <br /> governmental access programming required in this Ordinance or the Franchise; <br /> any signal of any television broadcast station that is provided by the cable <br /> operator to any subscriber, except a signal which is secondarily transmitted <br /> by a satellite carrier beyond the local service area of such station. <br /> Additional signals may be added to the basic tier by the Grantee. 3.2 BOARD means the Board of County Commissioners <br /> 3.3 Cable Television System, also referred to as "system," means the <br /> Cable Television System constructed for use within the Couety, without <br /> limitation, the headend, antennae, cables, wires, lines, towers, amplifiers, <br /> converters, health and property security systems, equipment or facilities <br /> located within the corporate limits of the County designed, constructed or <br /> wired for the purpose of producing, receiuing, amplifying and distributing by <br /> coaxial cable, fiber optics, microwave or other means, audio and visual <br /> radio, television and electronic signals to and from subscribers in the <br /> County, and any other equipment or facilities located within the corporate <br /> limits of the County intended for the use of the system; provided, however, <br /> such system facility excludes buildings, contracts, facilities, and equipment <br /> where primary use is for providing service to other systems located outside <br /> the County limits. Such term does not include (A) a facility that serves <br /> only to re-transmit the television signals of one or more television <br /> broadcast stations; (B) a facility that serves only subscribers in one or <br /> more multiple unit dwellings under common ownership, control, or management, <br /> unless such facility or facilities uses any Public Rights-of-Way; (C) a <br /> facility of a common carrier which is subject, in whole or in part, to the <br /> provision of Title II of the Cable Act, except that such facility shall be <br /> considered a cable system to the extent such facility is used in the <br /> transmission of video programming directly to subscribers; or (B) any <br /> facilities cf any electric utility used solely for Operating its electric <br /> utility systems. <br /> 3.4 CABLECAST SIGNAL means a non-broadcast signal that originates <br />within the facilities of the Cable Television System. <br /> 3.5 CHANNEL means a six Megahertz (MHz) frequency band, which in' <br /> capable of carrying either one standard video signal, a number of audio, <br /> digital or other non-video signals or some combination of such signals. One <br /> channel of High Definition Television will utilize more than 6 MHz. <br /> 3.6 COMMERCIAL SUBSCRIBER means a subscriber who receives a service <br /> in a place of business where the service may be utilized in connection with a <br /> business, trade or profession. <br /> 3.7 COMMUNICATIONS POLICY ACT or CABLE ACT means the Communications <br />Act of 1934; Communications Policy Act of 1984; the Cable Television consumer <br /> <br /> <br />