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12 <br /> <br /> (7) In the case of a multicounty community-based corrections plan, provisions for the <br />appointment of a fiscal agent to coordinate the financial activities pertaining to the grant award <br /> <br /> (8) A detailed budget for the program. <br /> <br /> (b) The Secretary shall complete the review of the plan within 90 days of submission. <br />Failure to disapprove or recommend amendment to the plan within 90 days shall constitute <br />approval. <br /> <br />(1993, c. 534, s. 1.' <br /> <br /> Editor's Note. - Session Laws 1993, c. 534, s. 2, wttich enacted this Article, as amended by Session <br />Laws 1994, Extra Session, c. 24, s. 14(d), provides: "Grants admimstered under tiffs act shall become <br />effective April 1, 1995. The Department of Correction may use funds available to support the administration <br />of the State-County Crflnmal Justice Partnership program effective Jfmuary 1, 1994." <br /> <br /> The number of this section was assigned by the Revisor of Statutes, the number in Session Laws <br />1993, c. 534, s. I, having been ] [43B-272,13. <br /> <br /> Session Laws 1994, Extra Session, c. 24, s. 70, provides: "Except for statutory chm~ges or other <br />provisions that clearly h~dicate m~ intention to lmve effects beyond the 1993~95 bielmium, the textual <br />provisions of this act shall al)lily only to funds appropriatexl for and activities occurring during the 1993~95 <br />biennium." <br /> <br /> ~ 143B-273.14. Fundable programs; community-based corrections programs. <br /> <br /> (a) Fundable programs under this Article shall include community-based corrections <br />programs which are operated under a county community-based corrections plan and funded by <br />the State subsidy provided in this Article. Based on the prioritized populations in G.S. <br />143B-273.4, the programs may include, but are not limited to, the following <br /> <br /> (1) For offenders who receive intermediate punishments: <br /> <br /> a. Residential facilities; <br /> <br /> b. Day reporting centers; <br /> <br /> c. Restitution centers; <br /> <br /> d. Substance abuse services; <br /> <br /> e. Employment services; <br /> <br /> (2) For offenders who are appropriate for release from jail prior to trial <br /> a. Pretrial monitoring services; <br /> b. Pretrial electronic surveillance; <br /> <br /> (3) For offenders who are serving a term of post-release supervision after completing active <br />sentences of imprisonment: <br /> <br /> a. Aftercare support services. <br /> <br /> (b) Community-based corrections funds may be used to operate programs and may also be <br /> <br />(c) 1944-1997 by Michie. a division of Reed El~vier Inc., and Reed Elsevier Properties Inc, All Rights Reserve <br /> <br /> <br />