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13 <br /> <br />used to construct, acquire, or renovate community facilities established to provide the programs <br />and services set forth in subsection (a) of this section. Construction and renovation funds may <br />not be used for jails. Construction and renovation funds may not be used to reimburse expenses <br />for any facilities renovated before the effective date of this Article. <br /> <br /> (c) When a county receives more than fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) in community-based <br />corrections funds, then that county shall use at least fifty percent (50%) of those funds to <br />develop programs for offenders who receive intermediate punishments. <br /> <br />(1993, c. 534, s. 1. <br /> <br /> Editor's Note. - Session Laws 1993, c. 534, s. 2, which enacted this Article, as amended by Session <br />Laws 1994, Extra Session, c. 24, s. 14(d), provides: "Grants administerexl under tiffs act shall become <br />effective April 1, 1995. The Department of Correction may use fuads available to support the admflfistration <br />of the State-County Criminal Justice Partnership program effective January I, 1994." <br /> <br /> The number of this section was assigned by the Revisor of Statutes. the number in Session Laws <br />1993, c. 534, s. 1, having been i 143B-272.14. <br /> <br /> As originally enacted, subsectiou (c) was set out preceding subsection (b). These subsections were <br />reordered at the direction of the Revisor of Statutes. <br /> <br /> Session Laws 1994, Extra Session, c. 24. s. 70, provides: "Except tbr statutory chauges or other <br />provisions that clearly indicate an intention to have effects beyond the 1993-95 bie~mium, the textual <br />provisions of ttfis act shall apply tuffy to funds appropriated for ~md activities occurring during the 1993-95 <br />biemliunl." <br /> <br />~ 143B-273.15. Funding formula. <br /> <br /> To determine the grant amount for which a county or counties may apply, the granting <br />authority shall apply the following formula: <br /> <br /> (1) Twenty percent (20%) of the total fiscal year appropriation plus any unspent or <br />unclaimed funds in the Account shall be distributed in the discretion of the Secretary to <br />encourage innovative efforts to develop multicounty projects; to encourage cooperation and <br />collaboration among existing services and avoid duplication of efforts; to provide for technical <br />assistance to the counties in the development of county plans and in the evaluation of programs <br />funded under this Article; to encourage the renovation of existing facilities; and to encourage <br />innovative substance abuse programs. <br /> <br /> (2) Of the remaining eighty percent (80%) of the fiscal year appropriation, a total funding <br />amount will be set for each county based upon the following variables: <br /> <br /> a. Twenty percent (20 %) based on a fixed equal dollar amount for each county <br /> <br /> b. Sixty percent (60 %) based on the county share of the State population; an{ <br /> <br /> c. Twenty percent (20%) based on the supervised probation admissions rate for the count5 <br /> <br /> The sum of the amounts in sub~subdivisions a., b., and c. is the total amount of the funding <br />that a county may apply for under this subsection. <br /> <br /> Grants to participating counties are for a period of one fiscal year with unobligated funds <br />being returned to the Account at the end of the grant period. Funds are provided to participating <br />counties on a reimbursement basis unless a county documentsa need for an advance of grant <br /> <br />(e) t944-1997 by Michie. a division of Reed Elsevier Inc.. and Reed Elsevier Properties Inc. All Rights Reserve <br /> <br /> <br />