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funds. <br /> <br />(1993, c. 534, s. 1: 1995, c. 324, s. 19 <br /> <br /> Editor's Note. - Session Laws 1993, c. 534, s. 2, which enacted tiffs Article, as mnended by Session <br />Laws 1994, Extra Session, c. 24. s. 14(d), provides: "Grants administered trader this act shall become <br />effective April 1, 1995. The Department of Correction may use funds available to support the admhffstration <br />of the State-County Crirainal Justice Partnerslffp progranl effective January 1, 1994." <br /> <br /> The number of this section was assigned by the Revisor of Statutes, the number in Session Laws <br />1993, c. 534, s. l, having been i 143B-272.15. <br /> <br /> Session Laws 1994, Extra Session, c. 24, s. 70, provides: "Except for statutory changes or other <br />provisions that clearly indicate an intentiun to have effects beyond the 1993-95 biemfium, the textual <br />provisions of this act shall apply only to funds appropriated for and activities occurring during the 1993-95 <br />biexmium." <br /> <br /> Sessiou Laws 1995, c. 324, s. 1.1, provides: "This act shall be known as the Continuation Budget <br />Operafions Appropriations Act of 1995." <br /> <br /> Session Laws 1995, c. 324, s. 28.4 is a severahility clause. <br /> <br /> Session Laws 1996, Second Extra Session, c. 18, s. 1.1, provides: "This act shall he known as the <br />Current Operations Appropriations Act of 1996." <br /> <br /> Session Laws 1996, Second Extra Session, c. 18, s. 29.2, provides: "Except for statutory changes or <br />other provisions that clearly indicate an intention to have effects beyond the 1996-97 fiscal year, the textual <br />provisions of this act apply olffy to fends apl~ropriated for, and activities occurring during, file 1996-97 fiscal <br />year." <br /> <br /> Session Laws [996, Second Extra Session, c. 18, s. 20.4 provides: "Notwifl~standing the funding <br />fi~rmula set forth in G.S, 143B-273.15, grants made through the North Carolina State-County Crinmml <br />Justice Partnership Act fur the 1996-97 fiscal year shall be distributed to the comities as specified in G.S. <br />143B-273.15(2) only, m~d not as discretionary hinds. Appropriations not claimed or expended by comities <br />during the 1996-97 fiscal year shall he distributed pursuant to G,S. 143B-273.15(1)." <br /> <br /> Effect of Amendments. - The 1995 amendment effective July I. 1995, redesignated sulxtivisions (a) <br />and (b) as (1) and (2), and sulxlivisions (b)(l) through (h)(3) as (2)a. through (2)c.; in subdivision (l) <br />suhstituted "fiscal year apl>ropriatiou plus any unspent or unclainled funds in the Account" for "fund", and <br />added "to provide for tectmical assistance to the counties iu the developraent of comity plans mid iii the <br />evaluation of programs fmlded raider this Article": in sulxlivisiou (2) substituted "fiscal year al>propriation" <br />for "fired" hi the introductory language, mid substituted "sub-subdivisim~s a., b., and c." for 'sulxlivisious <br />(I), (2), and (3)" iii the sentence following sul×[ivision (2)c.: and added the last two sentences of tiffs <br />section. <br /> <br /> [ 143B-273.16. Continued eligibility. <br /> <br />14 <br /> <br /> (a) To continue to receive funding under this Article, a county shall submit an updated <br />application for implementation funding to the Secretary at the beginning of each fiscal year <br /> <br /> (b) To remain eligible for funding, a county shall: <br /> <br /> (1) Comply with its community-based corrections plan; <br /> <br /> (2) Submit monitoring reports as required by the Department; ant <br /> <br /> (3) Comply with the minimum standards adopted. <br /> <br /> (c) If the Secretary suspends any or all of the grant funds, fl~e county may request a hearing <br /> <br />(c) 19444997 by Michie. a division of Reed Elsevier Inc,. and Reed Elsevier Properties Inc. All Rights Reserve <br /> <br /> <br />