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513 <br /> <br />payment. If the Grantee does not make the payment within thirty (30) days, <br />the County may withdraw the amount thereof, with interest and penalties, from <br />the performance bond. <br /> E. Notification. Within three (3) days of a withdrawal from the <br />performance bond, the County shall send to the Grantee, by certified mall, <br />return receipt requested, written notification of the amount, date and purpose <br />of such withdrawal. <br /> F. Replenishment of Performance Bond. No later than thirty (30) days <br />after mailing to the Grantee by certified mail notification of a withdrawal <br />pursuant to paragraph F above, the Grantee shall replenish the performance <br />bond in an amount equal to the amount so withdrawn. Failur~ to make timely <br />replenishment of such amount to the performance bond shall constitute a <br />substantial violation of this Ordinance. <br /> G. Non-Renewal, Alteration, or Cancellation of Performance Hood. The <br />performance bond required herein shall be in a form satisfactory to the County <br />and shall require thirty (30) days written notice of any non-renewal, <br />alteration or cancellation to both the County and the Grantee. The Grantee <br />shall, in the event of any such cancellation notice, obtain, pay all premiums <br />for, and file with the County, written evidence of the issuance of replacement <br />bond or policies within thirty (30) days following receipt by the County Or <br />the Grantee of any notice of cancellation. <br /> H. Inflation. The amount of the bond provided for herein, is subject <br />to reasonable increases to offset the effects of inflation at the end of every <br />three (3) year period of the Franchise, applicable to the next three year <br />period, upon the determination of the County. <br /> I. County Rights. The rights reserved to the County with respect <br />to the Performance bond are in addition to all other rights of the County, <br />whether reserved by this Ordinance, the Franchise or authorized by law, and no <br />action, proceeding Or exercise of a right with respect to such a bond shall <br />affect any other right the County may have. <br /> J. Right to Require Replacement of Bonds or Insurance. If the County <br />becomes aware of the financial condition of any bonding or insurance company <br />issuing a performance bond or insurance policy to Grantee as required herein <br />where, if such conditions were known at the time, the County would not have <br />approved the surety of the bond or the County would not have found the form of <br />the bond or the insurance policies satisfactory or if the financial condition <br />of such bonding or insurance company materially change to the extent that <br />such approvals would not have been made, the County may, at any time, require <br />that any such bond or insurance policy be replaced with such other bond or <br />insurance policy, consistent with the requirements set forth in this section. 6.2 LIABILITY AND INSUBANCE. <br /> A. Certificate of Insurance. Prior to commencement of construction, <br />but in no event later than sixty (60) days after the effective date of the <br />Franchise and thereafter continuously throughout the duration of the Franchise <br />and any extensions or renewals thereof, the Grantee shall furnish to the <br />County, certificates of insurance, approved by the County, for all types of <br />insurance required under this Section. Failure to furnish said certificates <br />of insurance in a timely manner shall constitute a violation of this <br />Ordinance. <br /> B. Filing. Any certificate of insurance policy obtained by the <br />Grantee in compliance with this section shall be filed and maintained with the <br />County Clerk during the term of the Franchise, and may be changed from time to <br />time to reflect changing liability limits and/or to compensate for inflation. <br />Grantee shall immediately advise the County of any litigation that may develop <br />that would affect this insurance. <br /> C. No Liability Limit. Neither the provisions of this Section or any <br />damages recovered by the County hereunder, shall be construed to or limit the <br />liability of the Grantee under any Franchise issued hereunder or for damages. <br /> D. Endorsemeet. All insurance policies maintained pursuant to this <br />Ordinance or the Franchise shall contain the following, or a comparable, <br />endorsement: <br /> It is hereby understood and agreed that this insurance policy may not be <br /> canceled by the insurance company nor the intention not to renew be <br /> stated by the insurance company until thirty {30} days after receipt by <br /> the County Manager, by registered mail, of a written notice of such <br /> intention to cancel or not to renew. <br /> E. Hold Harmless Clause. All contractual liability insurance <br />policies maintained pursuant to this Ordinance or the Franchise shall include <br />the provision of the following hold harmless clause: <br /> The Grantee agrees to indemnify, save harmless and defend the County, <br /> its officials, agents, servants, and employees, and each of them against <br /> and hold it and them harmless from any and all lawsuits, claims, <br /> demands, liabilities, losses and expenses, including court costs and <br /> <br /> <br />