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DRAFT <br /> reasonable at~orney'~ fee~ for or on account of any injury to an~ <br /> person, or any de~th at any time resulting from such i~ury, or a~y <br /> damage to any property, which may arise or which may be alleged =o have <br /> arisen out of or in connection with the work covered by the Franchise <br /> a~d performed or caused to be performed, or any other ~rso~ <br /> £ndemn£fied hereunder. The fore~o£ng lndemni~y shall apply exce~ £f <br /> such injury, death or damage £e caused directly by the negligence or <br /> <br /> F. S~ate I~st£tution. AIl insurance policies provided under the <br />prov£sione of t~is Ordinance or the Fra~ch£se shall be written by companies <br />authorized to do business in the State, and approved by th~ State Board of <br /> <br /> G. Named Insured. At any time during the te~m of the Franchise, the <br />County may request and the Grantee shall comply wi~h such request, to name the <br />County as an add£t£onal named insured for all insurance pol£cies wr£tten unde~ <br />the 9rovie£o~s of this ordinance or the Franchise. <br /> ~. Inflation. To reflect changing l£ab£1ity l~mits, all of the <br />coverage's, limits, an~ amounts of the insurance provided for herein are <br />subject to reasonable increases to offset the effects of inflation at the end <br />of every three (3} year period of the Franchise, appl£cable to ~he next three <br />year period, upo~ ~he determination of ~he County. <br /> I. General Liability Insurance. The G~antee sha~l ma£n=ain, and by <br />its acceptance of any Franchise granted ~ereunder s~e¢ifically agrees tha~ it <br />will mainta£n throughou~ the term of the Franchise, general liability <br />insurance insuring =he Grantee in the min£mum of: <br /> (1) $1,000,000 fo~ property damage 9er occurrencel <br /> {2) $2,000,000 for property damage aggregate; <br /> (3)$3,000,000 for personal bodily injury or death to any one person; <br /> add <br /> (4)$3,000,000 bodily injury or death aggregate per single accident or <br /> occurrence. <br /> J.Policy Inclusions. Such general liability imsurance must include <br />coverage for all of the following: comprehensive form, premises- operations, <br />explosio~ and co~lapse hazard, underground hazard, products/completed <br />operations hazard, contractual insurance, broad form property damage, and <br />personal injury. <br /> K. Automobile Liability Insurance. The Grantee shall maintain, a~d <br />by its acceptance of any Franchise gra~ted hereunder specifically agrees that <br />it will maintain throughout the term of the Franchise, automobile liability <br />insurance for owned, non-owned, Or rented vehicles in the minimum amount of: <br /> (1) $1,000,000 for bodily injury and consequent death per occurrence; <br /> (2)$1,000,000 for bodily injury and consequent death to any one <br /> person; and <br /> (3)$500,000 for property damage per OCCurrence. <br /> L.Worker's Compensation and Employer's Liability Insurance. The <br />Grantee shall maintain and by its acceptance of any Franchise granted <br />hereunder specifically agrees that it will maintain throughout the term of the <br />Franchise, Worker's Compensation and employer's liability, valid in the State, <br />in the minimum amount of: <br /> (1} statutory limit for Worker's Compensation; and <br /> (2) $100,000 for Employer's Liability. <br /> M. No Limitation on Liability. None of the provisions of this <br />Ordinance or any insurance policy required herein, or any damages recovered by <br />the County hereunder, shall be construed to excuse the faithful performance by <br />or limit the liability of Grantee under this Ordinance or the Franchise for <br />damages either to the limits of such ~licie$ or otherwise. <br /> N. Insurance for Contractors and Subcontractors. Grantee shall <br />provide coverage for any contractor or subcontractor involved in the <br />construction, installation, maintenance or operation of its Cable Television <br />System by either obtaining the necessary endorsements to its insurance <br />policies or requiring such contractor or sub contractor to obtain appropriate .i' <br />insurance coverage consistent with this section and appropriate to the extent <br />of its involvement l~ the construction, installation, maintenance or o~ration <br />of the Grantee's Cable Television System. 6.3 INDEMNIFICATION. <br /> A. Indemnification. To the fullest extent permitted by law, Grantee <br />shall, at its sole cost a~d expense, fully indemnify, defend and hold harmless <br />the County, its officers, public officials, boards and co, lesions, agents, <br />and employees from and against any and all lawsuits, claims, (including <br />without limitatio~ worker's compensation claims against the County or others}, <br />causes of action, actions, liability, and judgments for injury or damages: <br /> (1) TO persons or property, in any way arising out of or through the <br /> acts or omissions of Grantee~ its subcontractors, age~ts or <br /> <br /> <br />