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employees, to which Grantee's negligence shall in any way <br /> contribute. <br /> (2) Arising out of any claim for invasion of the right of privacy, for <br /> defamation of any person, firm or corporation, or the violation or <br /> infringement of any copyright, trademark, trade name, service mark <br /> or patent, or any other right of any person, firm or corporation, <br /> but excluding claims arising out of or related to government and <br /> educational access programming; or <br /> (3) Arising OUt Of Grantee's failure to comply with the provisions of <br /> any federal, state, or local statute, ordinances or regulation <br /> applicable to Grantee in its business hereunder. ' <br /> B. The foregoing indemnity is conditioned upon the following: <br /> The County shall give Grantee prompt notice of any claim or the <br /> co~mmencement of any action, suit or other proceeding covered by the <br /> provisions of this Section. The Grantee shall be afforded the <br /> opportunity to control the defense of any such claim or action <br /> including, but not limited to any settlements, or compromise thereof; <br /> provided, however, that in the event Grantee proposes or finds <br /> acceptable any settlement, compromise or resolution which the County <br /> deems detrimental to its interest, then in such event, County shall <br /> assume control of the defense of any such claim or action at its sole <br /> cost and expense, and the Grantee's indemnity for the final resolution <br /> of such claim or action shall be limited to that settlement or <br /> compromise amount proposed or found acceptable by Grantee but to which <br /> the County objected. Nothing herein shall be deemed to prevent the <br /> County from cooperating with the Grantee and participating in the <br /> defense of any litigation by its own counsel at its own costs and <br /> expense. The County may take such steps in any proceeding as it deems <br /> essential to protect the County's or the public's interests. No <br /> recovery by the County of any sum by reason of the liquidated damages <br /> required by the Franchise shall be subject to litigation by the Grantee, <br /> except that any sum so received by the County shall be deducted from any <br /> recovery which the County might have against the Grantee under the terms <br /> of this Section. <br />VII. DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION PROVISIONS <br /> 7.1 AUTHORITY TO CONSTRUCT. <br /> A. Authorization to Commence Construction and Application Procedures. <br />Within thirty (30) days after acceptance by the Grantee of a Franchise, the <br />Grantee shall apply for any needed contracts for pole use. Any pole space or <br />facilities obtained from the County shall be agreed upon through a contract <br />for pole use, facility, or conduit use, and fees shall be paid to the County <br />for such use as specified in the relevant contract(s). Pole space and other <br />facilities obtained from the County, utilities, and other lawful uses of the <br />public way shall be at the cost and expense of the Grantee. Within thirty <br />(30) days after completion of the make-ready survey identifying the routes of <br />the system, the Grantee shall apply for all additional licenses from the <br />State, County, or other necessary parties, such as the railroads for crossing <br />under or over their property. In any event, all necessary applications for <br />permits, licenses, certificates and authorizations shall be applied for in a <br />timely fashion so that such filing and processing shall not interfere with or <br />cause delay with the construction scheduled as outlined in the Franchise. <br />Failure to make such timely application and timely filing shall constitute a <br />substantial violation of this Ordinance. <br /> B. Power to Contract. Upon grant of the Franchise and in order to <br />construct, operate and maintain a cable system in the County, the Grantee may <br />enter into contracts with any public utility companies or any other owner or <br />lessee of any poles or underground areas located within or without the County; <br />obtain right-of-way permits from appropriate State, County, and Federal <br />officials necessary to cross or otherwise use highways or roads under their <br />respective jurisdiction; obtain permission from the Federal Aviation <br />Administration to erect and maintain antennae; and obtain whatever other <br />permits a County, State or Federal agency may require. 7.2 CONSTRUCTION AND TECHNICAL STANDARDS. <br /> A. Compliance with Construction and Technical Standards. Grantee <br />shall construct, install, operate and maintain its system in a manner <br />consistent with all laws, ordinances, coestruction standards, governmental <br />requirements, the Franchise, and FCC technical standards, which standards are <br />incorporated by reference herein. The Grantee, through the System, shall <br />provide uniform, strong signals which are free from any significant distortion <br />and interference. The System shall be designed, constructed, operated and <br />maintained for 24-hours-a-day continuous operation. The system shall produce, <br />for reception on subscribers' receivers which are in good working order, <br />either monochrome or color pictures (providing the receiver is color capable) <br /> <br /> <br />