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520 <br /> <br />whenever possible. Runs in building interiors shall be as unobtrusive as <br />possible. The Grantee shall use due care in the process of installation and <br />shall repair any damage to the subscriber's property caused by said <br />installation. Such restoration shall be commenced within no more than ten <br />(10) days after the damage is incurred and shall be completed as soon as <br />possible thereafter. <br /> E. Antennae and Antennae Switches. The Grantee shall not, as a <br />condition to providing cable television service, require any subscriber or <br />potential subscriber, to remove any existing antennae structures for the <br />receipt of over-the-air television signals. The Grantee shall install, upon <br />the request of the subscriber, an RP or antennae switch whets'required for the <br />provision of services provided by the Grantee. <br /> D. Lockout Devices. The Grantee shall provide to new subscribers, <br />information concerning the availability of a lockout device for use by a <br />subscriber and shall provide annual notice of the availability of a lockout <br />device to all subscribers. The Grantee reserves the right to require a <br />reasonable deposit for the use of this device, as set forth in the rate <br />schedule. The lockout device described herein shall be made available to all <br />subscribers requesting it beginning on the first day that any cable service is <br />provided. <br /> E. Reconneotion. Grantee shall restore service to customers wishing <br />restoration of service provided customer shall first satisfy any previous <br />obligations owed. <br /> F. Delinquent Accounts. Grantee shall use reasonable efforts to <br />collect on delinquent subscriber accounts. In all cases, the Grantee shall <br />provide the customer with at least ten (10) working days written notice prior <br />to disconnection. <br /> H. Prohibited Activities. In the conduct of its business franchised <br />hereunder, neither the Grantee nor its officers, employees, or agents shall <br />directly or indirectly sell, lease, repair, install, or maintain television <br />sets or receivers or antennae; provided, however, that nothing hereunder shall <br />prohibit Grantee, at customer's request and without payment, from examining or <br />adjusting customer's receiving set to determine whether reception difficulties <br />originate in the set or in the Grantee's system. <br /> I. Subscriber Policies. The Grantee shall comply with all <br />subscriber policies in the Cable Ordinance and the Franchise agreement. 8.3 SERVICE CALLS AND COMPLAINT PROCEDURES. <br /> A. Business Office. The Grantee shall establish, operate and <br />maintain in Cabarrus County a business office, which shall, at a minimum, be <br />open for business and for repair 45 hours per week. Grantee shall also <br />provide personnel, telephone service, including a locally listed telephose <br />number, and other equipment, as needed, to ensure timely, efficient and <br />effective service to consumers and for the purpose of receiving inquiries, <br />requests and complaints concerning all aspects of the construction, <br />installation, operation and maintenance of the system and for payment of <br />subscriber's service charges. <br /> B. Telephone Service. The Grantee shall have a listed, locally- <br />staffed telephone number for subscriber service calls and such telephone <br />service shall be available twenty-four (24) hours a day, seven (7) days a <br />week. The Grantee shall provide a sufficient number of telephone lines and <br />telephone staff members to enable subscribers to reach the Grantee without <br />unreasonable delay. Grantee's number shall be published and provided to <br />subscribers and the general public. In addition, the Grantee shall provide a <br />method (e.g. private telephone or beeper number) to the County which will <br />enable the County to reach agents of the Grantee in the event of an emergency. <br /> C. Response Time. The Grantee shall respond to and resolve <br />subscribers' complaints or requests for service in connection with repairs and <br />maintenance and malfunctions of the system. The Grantee shall respond as <br />quickly as possible to such complaints and requests, but shall in any case <br />respond within twenty-four (24) hours. Complaints or requests which may pose <br />a potential health and safety hazard will be responded to immediately. In <br />connection with billing complaints, the Grantee shall respond within seven (7) <br />business days. <br /> D. Grantee Rules. The Grantee shall prepare and file with the County <br />copies of all of its rules and regulations in connection with the handling of <br />inquiries, requests and complaints. The Grantee shall, by appropriate means, <br />such as a card or brochure, furnish information concerning the procedures for <br />making inquiries or complaints, including the name, address and local <br />telephone number of the department to whom such inquiries or complaints are to <br />be addressed. <br /> E. Complaint Records. The Grantee shall keep full records in <br />connection with all written complaints in connection with the system. Such <br />records shall identify the person contacting the Grantee, and the person <br /> <br /> <br />