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521 <br /> <br />responding on behalf of the Grantee, the subject matter of the contact, the <br />date it was received, the resolution of the matter in question or the action <br />taken by the Grantee in connection with the contact and the date thereof, and <br />such other information aa may be deemed pertinent by the Grantee. These <br />records shall be retained for twenty-four (24) months and shall be made <br />available for periodic inspection by the County upon reasonable notice. <br /> If requested by the County, Grantee shall prepare a summary of service <br />calls for the previous twelve (12) months identifying the number, general <br />nature and disposition of such calls, on a month by month basis. A summary of <br />such service calls shall be submitted to the Grantor within thirty (30) days <br />following its request in a form reasonable acceptable to the Grantor. <br /> F. Equipment Service. The Grantee shall service or replaoe without <br />charge all equipment provided by it to the subscriber, provided, however, that <br />the Grantee may charge a subscriber for service to or replacement of any <br />equipment damaged due to negligence of such subscriber. <br /> G. Investigation and Remedial Action. For recurrent complaints <br />regarding service deficiencies (other than total or partial loss of service, <br />such as "ghosting", weak audio signal, distortion, and the like), the County <br />Manager or designee may require the Grantee to investigate and report to <br />him/her the causes and cures thereof, and the County Manager may also conduct <br />his/her own investigation. Thereafter, the County Manager or designee may <br />order the Grantee to take corrective action within reasonably feasible time <br />limits. If such action is not ~aken, or is ineffective, Or if within thirty <br />(30) days the Grantee files with the County a notice of objection to the <br />order, the County may conduct a hearing and may, if the evidence warrants a <br />finding of fault on the part of the Grantee, take appropriate, action pursuant <br />to the terms of this Ordinance. <br /> H. Subscriber Solicitation. If the Grantee undertakes a direct <br />solicitation campaign the Grantee shall provide the County with a list of <br />names of al~ representatives who will be soliciting within the County and the <br />dates within such solicitations shall take place. Each such representative <br />entering upon private property shall be required to display an employee <br />identification card issued by the Grantee bearing a picture of said <br />representative. <br /> I. Sales Information. Grantee shall provide to all subscribers <br />annually and all prospective subscribers or users complete written information <br />concerning all services and rates provided by the Grantee upon solicitation <br />and prior to consummation of any agreement for installation of service. <br /> J. Billing Practices Information. Grantee shall inform all <br />subscribers and all prospective subscribers or users of complete information <br />respecting billing and collection procedures, procedures for ordering changes <br />in or termination of services, and refund policies, upon solicitation of <br />service or prior to the consummation of any agreement for installation of <br />service. <br /> 8.4 CONTINUITY OF SERVICE MANDATORY. <br /> A. Subscription Rights. It shall be the right of all subscribers to <br />receive continuous, uninterrupted service insofar as their financial and other <br />obligations to the Grantee are honored. <br /> B. Cooperation. In the event that the Grantee elects to rebuild, <br />modify or sell the system, or the County gives notice of intent to terminate <br />or fails to renew its Franchise, the Grantee shall cooperate with the County <br />or new Grantee or operator in maintaining continuity of service to all <br />subscribers. During such period, Grantee shall be entitled to the revenues <br />for any period during which it operates the system, and shall be entitled to <br />reasonable costs for the services when it no longer operates the system. <br /> C. Failure to Provide Continuity. In the event the Grantee fails to <br />operate the system for seven (7) consecutive days without prior approval of <br />the County or without just cause, the County may, at its option, operate the <br />system or designate an operator until such time as Grantee restores service <br />under conditions acceptable to the County or a permanent operator is selected. <br />If the County is required to fulfill this obligation for the Grantee, the <br />Grantee shall reimburse the County for all reasonable costs or damages in <br />excess of revenues from the system received by the County that are the result <br />of the Grantee's failure to perform. <br /> 8.5 PROTECTION OF SUBSCRIBER PRIVACY. <br /> A. Protection of Subscriber Privacy Mandatory. Grantee shall at ali <br />times protect the privacy of subscribers, as provided herein and in accordance <br />with applicable Federal, State, and Local laws. <br /> B. Collection of Personally Identifiable Information Prohibited. <br />Grantee shall not use or permit the use of the cable system to collect <br />personally identifiable information concerning any subscriber without prior <br />written or electronic consent of the subscriber concerned, except to obtain <br />information necessary (1) to render a cable service or other service provided <br /> <br /> <br />