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522 <br /> <br />by the Grantee to the subscriber, or (2) to detect unauthorized reception of <br />cable communications. "Personally identifiable information" does not include <br />any record of aggregate data which does not identify particular persons. <br /> C. Disclosure of Subscriber Information Prohibited. Except as <br />provided in this section, the Grantee shall not disclose personally <br />identifiable information concerning any subscriber without prior written or <br />electronic consent of the subscriber concerned and shall take such actions ae <br />are necessary to prevent unauthorized access to such information by a person <br />other than the subscriber or cable operator. The Grantee may disclose such <br />information if the disclosure is: <br /> (1) necessary to render or conduct a legitimate b~siness activity <br /> related to a cable service or other service provided by the <br /> Grantee to the subscriber; <br /> (2) subject to 47 U.S.C. $ 551(h), and amendments or successor <br /> statutes thereto, made pursuant to a court order authorizing such <br /> disclosure, if the subscriber is notified of such order by the <br /> person to whom the order is directed; or <br /> (3) a disclosure of names and addresses of subscribers to any cable <br /> service or other services, provided such disclosure does not <br /> reveal the eatent of any viewing or other use by the subscriber of <br /> a cable service or other service provided by the Grantee. <br /> D. Personally Identifiable Information. Grantee shall not predicate <br />regular subscriber service on the subscriber's grant Or denial of permission <br />to collect, maintain or disclose personally identifiable information. A <br />subscriber may at any time revoke any permission previously given by <br />delivering to the Grantee a written statement of that intent.. <br /> E. Correction Policy. Each subscriber shall be provided access to <br />all personally identifiable information regarding such subscriber that Grantee <br />collects or maintains or allows to be collected or maintained, and such <br />subscriber shall be provided the opportunity to correct any error in such <br />information. <br /> F. Viewing Habits. Any information concerning individual subscriber <br />viewing habits or responses, except for information for billing purposes, <br />shall be destroyed within sixty (60) days. <br /> G. System Performance. This section is not intended to prohibit the <br />use or transmission of signals useful only for the control or measurement of <br />system performance. <br /> ~. Notice of Privacy Provisions. At the time of entering into an <br />agreement to provide any cable or other service to a subscriber Grantee shall <br />provide notice in the form of a separate written statement to each subscriber <br />which clearly and conspicuously informs the subscriber of: <br /> (1) the privacy rights of the subscriber and the limitations placed <br /> upon Grantee with regard to this Ordinance hereof and all other <br /> applicable Federal, State and local subscriber privacy provisions; <br /> (2) the nature of personally identifiable information collected or to <br /> be collected with respect to the subscriber and the nature of the <br /> use of such information; <br /> (3) the nature, frequency, and purpose of any disclosure which may be <br /> made of such information, including an identification of the types <br /> of persons to whom the disclosure may be made; <br /> (4.) the time and place at which the subscriber may have access to such <br /> information in accordance with this Ordinance and other applicable <br /> Federal, State and local law. <br /> 8.6 RIGHTS OF INDIVIDUALS. <br /> A. Nondiscrimination Required. Grantee shall not deny service, deny <br />access, or otherwise discriminate against subscribers, channel users or <br />general citizens on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, age, <br />sex, or physical or mental handicaps, provided the Subscriber shall pay all <br />applicable fees for the service desired. Grantee shall comply at all times <br />with all other applicable Federal, State and Local laws and regulations, and <br />all executive and administrative orders relating to nondiscrimination which <br />are hereby incorporated and made part of this Ordinance by reference. <br /> B. Fairness of Accessibility. The entire system of the Grantee shall <br />be operated in a manner consistent with the principles of fairness and equal <br />accessibility of its facilities, equipment, channels, and other services to <br />all citizens, businesses, public agencies and other entities havi~g a <br />legitimate use for the network; and no one shall be arbitrarily excluded from <br />its use; allocation of use of said facilities shall be made according to the <br />rules or decisions of the Grantee and any regulatory agencies affecting the <br /> <br /> C. Information Accessibility. <br /> (1) Each individual shall have the right to information concerning the <br /> provisions of this Ordinance and the rules and regulations <br /> <br /> <br />