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526 <br /> <br />upon, across, and along the public streets, alleys, and ways within the County <br />such wires, cables, fiber optics, conductors, ducts, conduits, vaults, <br />manholes, amplifiers, appliances, pedestals, and attachments as are necessary <br />and appurtenant to the operatios of the Cable Television System in the County <br />and in conformance with this Franchise, the Cable Ordinance, and generally <br />applicable County regulations. <br /> RIGHT OF COUNTY TO ISSUE FRANCEISE <br /> Franchisee acknowledges and accepts the legal right of the County to <br />issue this Franchise Agreement. <br /> III. EFFECTIVE DATE OF FRANCHISE, EFFECT UPON EXISTING FRANCHISE <br /> The effective date of the Franchise shall be the dare'set forth above <br />and, immediately upon the taking effect of this Franchise Agreement, the pr£or <br />franchise granted to Franchisee, shall be superseded and of no further force <br />and effect; provided, however, vested rights relating to billings and the <br />County's rights to accrued franchise fees shall not be affected thereby; and <br />provided, further, that any criminal proceedings commenced under or pursuant <br />to said Franchise shall in no manner be affected. <br /> IV. TERM <br /> The term of the Franchise shall be for a period of twelve (12} years <br />from the effective date, unless sooner terminated as provided in the Cable <br />Ordinance, at which time it shall expire and be of no further force and <br />effect, unless renewed in accordance with the provisions of the Cable Act. <br /> V. FRANCHISE NONEXCLUSIVE <br /> Consistent with the requirements of the Cable Ordinance, this Franchise <br />Agreement shall not be construed as any limitation upon the right of the <br />County to grant to other persons rights, privileges, or authorities similar to <br />the rights, privileges, and authorities herein set forth, in the same or other <br />streets, alleys, or other public ways or public places, The County <br />specifically reserves the right to grant at any time during the term of this <br />Agreement or renewal thereof, if any, such additional franchises for a Cable <br />Television System as it deems appropriate. Any additional cable television <br />franchises shall be granted on substantially equivalent terms and conditions <br />to those granted hereunder and shall not in any material provisloe be more <br />favorable or less burdensome than any other franchise granted hereunder <br />VI. INCORPORATION OF THE CABLE ORDINANCE BY REFERENCE AND RESOLUTION OF <br /> CONFLICTS <br /> All terms, conditions and provisions of the Cable Ordinance of the <br />Cabarrus County Code of Ordinances shall be deemed to be embodied in this <br />Franchise Agreement, and the express terms of the Ordinance shall prevail over <br />conflicting or inconsistent provisions of the Franchise. <br />VII. DEFINITIONS <br /> All definitions set forth in Section III of the Cable Television <br />Ordinance of the County of Cabarrus pertain to this Franchise Agreement and <br />shall be relevant to the purposes and meaning of this Franchise Agreement. <br />VIII. SERVICE AREA <br /> A. Service to Residents. Franchisee shall offer cable television <br />residential service to all areas within the corporate limits of the County of <br />Cabarrus as provided herein. Franchisee will extend service at no additional <br />cost to any residential dwelling unit within 150 feet of existing aerial or <br />underground plant. A map detailing the extent of Franchisee's system (as of <br />January 1, 1998) showing the areas of Cabarrus County served by the system is <br />attached hereto as a part of Appendix A for purposes of information. <br /> B. New Residential Construction. Franchisee shall extend service to <br />all residences within the County where the density of homes is at least <br />eighteen (18) homes per mile from the nearest connecting point on the cable <br />system within ninety (90) days of a request, unless all applicable permits <br />have not been received. Franchisee shall apply for such permits in a timely <br />manner. <br /> C. Line Extension. In areas with less than eighteen (18) homes per <br />proposed mile, Franchisee shall offer a cost-sharing arrangement to residents. <br />Franchisee shall bear its pro-rata share of the current construction costs <br />based upon the actual number of potential subscribers per mile. The cost- <br />sharing arrangement shall consist of the following. <br /> 1. On the request of a subscriber desiring service, Franchisee shall <br />preparer at its cost, an engineering survey and cost analysis to determine the <br />cost of the plant extension required to provide service to the subscriber from <br />the nearest connecting point on the cable system. <br /> 2. The cost of construction shall be allocated based on the following <br />formula: If a request for extension of service into a residential area <br />requires the construction of cable plant which does not pass at least eighteen <br />(18) potential subscribers per mile, Franchisee and subscribers will each bear <br />their proportionate share of construction costs. For example, if there are <br /> <br /> <br />