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527 <br /> <br />nine (9) dwelling units per mile, Franchisee's share will equal 9/18th or one- <br />half (%) of the construction cost. The remaining cost will be shared equally <br />by each subscriber in the area to be constructed. This line extension formula <br />shall also be applied to a portion of a mile meeting proportionate density <br />requirements. For example, if there are five (5) dwelling units per one- <br />quarter mile, the Franchisee shall construct the plant. The cost sharing plan <br />described above would be utilized if there were less than the proportionate <br />share of dwelling units per the portion of a mile needed to reach the dwelling <br />units. <br /> 3. Should additional subscribers request cable television service, <br />subscribers utilizing the cost-sharing plan for extensions shall be reimbursed <br />pro-rata for their contribution or a proportional share thereof. In such <br />case, the pro-rata shares shall be recalculated and each new subscriber shall <br />pay the new pro-rata share, and all prior subscribers shall receive pro-rata <br />refunds. In any event, at the end of three (3) years from the completion of a <br />project, the subscribers are no longer eligible for refunds, and the amounts <br />paid in construction costs will be credited to the plant account of <br />Franchisee. <br /> 4. The average cost of line extension shall be recalculated annually <br />and based upon then-current costs for labor and materials. <br /> D. Commercial Service. Franchisee shall, upon requeat, make service <br />available to all commercial/industrial establishments located within one <br />hundred fifty (150') feet of its existing feeder cable. Extensions beyond one <br />hundred fifty(150') feet may be made at the expense of the commercial <br />establishment. <br /> E. House Moving. Franchisee shall, upon the reques~ of the County, <br />move and replace its facilities to accommodate house moves conducted on behalf <br />of the County~ free of charge, to the County; provided, howevert moves <br />conducted on behalf of the County are not meant to include all houses moved <br />pursuant to a County-issued permit but only those house in which the County <br />has a direct interest in relocating. Wherever feasible, the County shall use <br />its best efforts to ensure that house moves follow the same or similar path. <br />IX. SYSTEM AND CAPACITY. <br /> A. System. Franchisee shall maintain a cable system capable of <br />delivering cable television signals processed to 550 MHz utilizing a fiber to <br />feeder design. The system shall be operated in accordance with performance <br />standards which meet or exceed FCC regulations. <br /> B. System Upgrade. Within seven (7) years of the effective date of <br />this franchise, Franchisee shall upgrade the system to 750 MHZ. Franchisee <br />shall notify the County of the completion of this upgrade. <br /> C. Construction and Ground Block Testing. In constructing, operating <br />and maintaining the system, Franchisee shall at all times comply with the <br />Cable Ordinance and all applicable laws. Franchisee will perform testing at <br />the ground blocks to ensure adequate signal delivery to subscriber drops <br />during cutover to the upgraded system, provided that access to the ground <br />block is not obstructed by the subscriber. In the event low-level signal <br />readings are detected, Franchisee shall co~ence to take corrective action and <br />diligently remedy such low-level readings thereafter. The system shall be <br />designed to ensure that each drop shall meet FCC specifications. The <br />Franchisee shall use diligent efforts to coordinate the rebuild of the system <br />with the County and other utilities serving the County. The County shall use <br />diligent efforts to assure like cooperation. <br /> D. Equipment. Equipment used for the distribution system, headend <br />and reception facilities shall be of good and durable quality and be serviced <br />and repaired on a regular basis. <br /> E. Emergency Alert. Franchisee shall, within twelve (12) months of <br />the effective date of the adoption of emergency alert system rules by the <br />Federal Con~unications Commission, install and activate an emergency alert <br />system for use by the County. Thereafter, the franchisee shall provide an <br />emergency alert system for use by the County as specified by the FCC. Unless <br />otherwise specified by the FCC, the emergency alert system will have the <br />capability to initiate emergency messages via any touch tone phone with an <br />access code. Persons to be provided with access codes shall be selected'by <br />the County. <br /> F. Signal Leakage Policy and Procedures and Ongoing Preventive <br />Maintenance. Franchisee will comply with its signal leakage policy and <br />procedures~ and its preventive maintenance program. <br /> G. Subscriber Drops. At the time of installation, all subscriber <br />drops shall be installed so as to meet the standards of the National Electric <br />Code. Franchisee shall not be responsible for bringing home-grounding to NEC <br />code. <br /> H. Standby Power. Franchisee shall provide standby power-generating <br />capacity at the headend. Franchisee shall maintain standby power system <br /> <br /> <br />