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governments served by the system. <br /> (c) Leased Access operated by Grantee. <br /> Franchisee shall supply, without charge, the following access channels <br />upon completion of the rebuild: one government access channel; and, one <br />educational access channel for the shared use of local governments served by <br />the system. <br /> At any time during the franchise term, the County may designate capacity <br />on the access channels for public access programming. In addition · third <br />access channel shall be reserved for future use. After the rebuild and u~on <br />request of the County, whenever two channels as est forth in this section show <br />documented proof of performance that they are in use for any 6 week <br />consecut£ve timeframe, given at least 8 hours per day, 7 days per week <br />cablecast schedule, with at least 40% (of the time the channels are <br />programmed) with unduplicated full motion video programming, the Grantee shall <br />make such additional access channel available as necessary for access use <br />within 6 months of receipt of request by the County. <br />XIII. INSTITUTIONAL NETWORKS. <br /> A. Network (INET). Except as provided herein, Franchisee shall <br />construct, maintain and replace, ss needed, an Institutional Network to the <br />sites set forth in Appendix B attached hereto and incorporated by reference. <br />For the purposes of this Section XII, the term "institutional network" shall <br />mean a separate, closed-circuit, private communications network to be <br />constructed and maintained by the Franchisee and which is available only to <br />those locations set forth in Appendix B or as hereinafter provided. The <br />network will be a passive point-to-point fiber optic network, and will meet <br />all technical and electrical codes specified within the franchise agreement. <br />The County shall only use the Institutional Network for non-commercial <br />governmental or educational purposes and shall not interconnect the <br />Institutional Network with any other switched or non-switched network. <br /> The INET will be completed within eighteen (18) months of the County's <br />request to commence construction and will be activated within six months of <br />completion. <br /> B. Charges. There shall be no charge to the County for the use of <br />the Institutional Network, provided, however, the County shall be responsible <br />for purchasing, maintaining, repairing and replacing any and all necessary end <br />user equipment for uses of the Institutional Network. The County will <br />reimburse Franchisee for the actual incremental cost of construction of the <br />INET sites as specified in Appendix B. As indicated in Appendix B, Franchisee <br />has estimated the incremental cost of construction to be one hundred ninety- <br />seven thousand ($197,000) dollars. Said estimated cost expires twelve (12) <br />months from effective date of the franchise. The reimbursement from the <br />County will be paid in equal annual installments over a five year period <br />beginning on the activation date of the INET. <br /> C. Design. The Franchisee agrees to construct the Institutional <br />Network as specified in Appendix B. <br /> D. Future Construction. If the County elects to construct the <br />Institutional Network during the Franchise term, but after the first twelve <br />(12) months, or if the County requests the Franchisee to construct extensions <br />to the Institutional Network, the Franchisee shall provide to the County for <br />its review and approval a quotation of costs and schedules for the INET <br />construction or extension. The County or the subscribers, as designated by the <br />County, will be charged for the construction based on the Franchisee's direct <br />cost of labor and materials plus a return on investment of 11.25 percent as <br />allowed by the FCC. The parties expressly recognize and agree that the <br />Franchisee may, at its discretion, pass through to its customers the costs <br />associated with the requirement of this Section XII to the extent permitted by <br />the rules and regulations of the FCC. <br /> E. Maintenance. The Franchisee shall continue to own the <br />Iestitutioeal Network and shall perform all routine maintenance on the Network <br />in the same manner as the subscriber network. Any maintenance or replacement <br />of cable or fiber will be done on a time and materials basis payable by the <br />County. All maintenance shall be performed to minimize any periods in which <br />the INET is not operable. Franchisee shall notify the County in advance of <br />any scheduled maintenance operations which would cause the INET to be <br />unavailable. Franchisee shall notify the County as soon as the maintenance <br />operation is complete and the INET is available for use. <br />XIV.SUBSCRIBER INFORMATION AND POLICY <br /> A. Subscriber Information. At the time of installation and annually <br />thereafter and upon request, Franchisee shall furnish to each subscriber a <br />simple, but thorough written explanation of all services offered; the fees, <br />charges, terms and conditions of such services; information regarding billing <br />and service calls; complaints; information regarding the availability of <br />parental control devices; and a complete statement of the subscriber's right <br /> <br /> <br />