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Cabarrus County Mediation Center, Inc. <br /> <br /> Job DeScription <br /> for <br />Teen Court and Youth Services Coordinator <br /> <br />General Overview: <br />The Teen Court and Youth Services Coordinator, hereafter referred to as the Coordinator, will work with the Teen <br />Court Advisory Board, the CCMC Board of Directors, and the staff of the CCMC to develop, implement, and <br />coordinate the Teen Court Program and other youth-oriented services. The Coordinator will answer directly to the <br />Executive Director, or the Volunteer And Community Relations Coordinator in the absence of the Executive <br />Director, and will be responsible for the coordination of the day-to-day activities of the program and the promotion <br />of the program within the community. <br /> <br />Specific Duties and Tasks: <br />· Convene the meetings of the Teen Court Advisory Board by sending timely written notification of the meeting <br /> date, time, and location to the Advisory Board members based upon procedures approved by the Advisory <br /> Board and the CCMC Executive Director. <br />· Convey timely and accurately the workings and recommendations of the Advisory Board to the CCMC Board of <br /> Directors and the CCMC Executive Director and attend CCMC Board meetings as needed and directed. <br />· Prepare an agenda for the Advisory Board meetings upon consultation with the Chairperson of the Advisory <br /> Board and the CCMC Executive Director. <br />· Contingent upon the procedure developed by the Advisory Board, prepare or assist in preparing minutes from <br /> the Advisory Board meetings and forward them with the subsequent board meeting notice. <br />· Work with the Advisory Board to develop the Teen Court Program, Resolve and any other youth-related <br /> services offered by the CCMC, specifically to work with the Advisory Board to f'me-tune the plan submitted to <br /> the Administrative Office of the Courts. Specific tasks will relate to the goals and objectives of Teen Court, the <br /> timetable for development and implementation of the program, criteria for program eligibility, referral process, <br /> intake interview and assessment process, notification to the referring source ofadmissinn or denial into the <br /> program, notification to the parties involved of hearing date, time, place, location, and expectations of those <br /> involved, developing, implementing, and facilitating a training process for the youth volunteers, including the <br /> recruitment of adult Volunteer Trainers, Teen Court Judges, and Teen Court Hearing Monitors, attending and <br /> coordinating Teen Court Sessions, explaining the sentence rendered to the youth offender, if needed, and <br /> monitoring the offenders' compliance with the sentences imposed, reporting compliance or lack of progress to <br /> the referring source, setting up and maintaining participants' records in a confidential manner, developing and <br /> implementing case termination procedures, follow-up contact for quality control and evaluative purposes, <br /> development and implementation of a program evaluation plan, development and implementation of reports <br /> designed to capture information relevant to program evaluation and for the use of funding sources, development <br /> and implementation of the Resolve Program as a part of Teen Court and as a program in and of itself, to include <br /> the development and implementation of a referral process, set up and implement recruitment procedures for <br /> obtaining the services of Resolve class facilitators and perform some of these duties, in the absence of class <br /> facilitators, or as needed, development and implementation of training materials relevant and supportive of the <br /> Resolve curriculum, development and implementation ora graduation ceremony and acknowledgment of <br /> completion or services provided to the Resolve program by volunteers, development ahd implementation of <br /> sound case management practices and effective evaluation procedures, preparation and presentation of verbal <br /> and written reports for the Executive Director and/or the CCMC Board, assistance to the Executive Director and <br /> Resource Development Committee in researching potential funding sources, assistance in grant preparation or <br /> <br /> <br />