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BUDGET NARRATIVE <br /> <br />Section I: List the justification £or each entry and show how the value was computed. <br /> <br />~ection <br />#120 & <br /> <br />#190: <br /> <br />Section <br /> <br />Section <br /> <br /> I Personnel Serviges <br /> #180: Salaries, wages, & fringe benefits ( CBA/County match needed in the amount of$20,470.2g ) <br /> Executive Director -Request CBA/county match funding in the amount of $8,015.17; 25% of projected total <br /> wages, FICA, and benefits ( health insurance ) for FY 98/99; remaining 75% to come general <br /> operational funds. <br /> Volunteer & Community Relations Coordinator-Request CBA/county match funding in the amount of <br /> $3,358.68; 25% ofprojected total wages and FICA for FY 98/99; remaining 75% to be taken out of general <br /> operational funds. <br /> Teen Court & Youth Services Coordinator-Request CBA/County match funding in the amount of <br /> 5,177.97; 33% of projected total wages and FICA for FY 98/99; remaining 67% to be taken out of <br /> legislative appropriation specifically for Teen Court. ( application pending ) <br /> Administrative Assistant-Request CBA funding in the amount of $3,918.46; represents 50% of projected <br /> total wages and FICA for FY 98/99; remaining 50% to be taken out of general operational funds. <br /> <br />Professional Services ( CBA/County match funding needed in the amount of $1,296 } <br /> $256 for contractual services for Resolve facilitators; 24 classes ($512 to be paid by general funds ). <br /> $1,040 allotted for 1/2 of the CCMC's expenses for auditing, accounting, and tax preparation. <br /> <br />II-IV Supplies & Materials. Current Obligations & Services. and Fixed Charges & Other Expenses <br />$9,992.97 CBA/County match funding needed in this amount which is approximately 36% of these same <br />expenses projected for the CCMC FY 98/99 projected budget and indicates the prorated share for <br />youth-serving programs ( Teen Court & Resolve ). Remaining expenses &this nature to be paid out <br />of' CCMC general operations funding ( 50% ) and AOC funding ( 14% ). <br />#390 ( Other Services )-this amount for professional dues, subscriptions, and volunteer appreciation <br /> <br />V Capital Outlay <br />Expenses to be paid for out of the general operating funds of the CCMC & the AOC/TC legis, approp. <br /> <br />Executive Director <br /> <br />Volunteer & Community <br />Relations Coordinator <br /> <br />Teen Court & Youth <br />Services Coord. <br /> <br />$26,000/year gross wages currently <br />$28,21 O/year anticipated change <br />due to added services/duties <br /> <br />$10,608/year gross wages currently <br />$12,480/year anticipated change <br />due to added services/duties <br /> <br />· $14,430/year for new position <br /> $9,620/year to be paid out of AOC <br /> <br />Full-time ( 12 months ) <br /> <br />part-time ( 12 months ) <br />24 hrs/wk <br /> <br />part-time ( 12 months ) <br />30 hrs/wk <br /> <br /> <br />