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Land Use Recommendations <br /> <br />"The land use recommendations begin with the Future Land Use Map. This map indicates <br />ultimate land use goals for the area. It will be used in analyzing all land development <br />proposals as well as zoning controls with the planning area." page 20, paragraph 1 <br /> <br />"The most prominent category shown on the map is Rural Residential. These are areas with <br />.little development pressure and no planned sewer services that are primarily undeveloped, <br />rural residential or agricultural. It is proposed that these areas remain much as they are now <br />and that agricultural and rural residential zoning will properly regulate that area <br />development." Residential and Rural, paragraph 1 <br /> <br />"The prevailing opinion is that both commercial and industrial development are appropriate <br />and that they should be encouraged. Proper areas for this type of development should be <br />designated and these designated areas should be adhered to." page 15, paragraph 1 <br /> <br />"Planning staff and Commission members must carefully analyze rezoning requests in the <br />future and make decisions that are in accordance with this Plan and the Future Land Use <br />Map." page 15, paragraph 2 <br /> <br />"All land development in the planning area shall adhere to the recommendations of this plan <br />and related plans." Implementation, page 1 <br /> <br />Clearly, the proposed Land Fill is in direct contradiction with the stated intent of the use of the land in <br />question as adopted by the Midland Plan. References to the Future Land use Map and the <br />designation of the tract can be found throughout the document. The preservation of the area must <br />be given the foremost consideration by the Planning Board, if you vote yes to an industrial <br />classification you clearly go against the recommendations drawn by the Planning Services <br />Department and the citizens of the community. "Plans based on a combination of solid planning <br />practice and citizen involvement are much more likely to make a difference than the plans <br />written with one and not the other." Preface, page ii <br /> <br />Please refer to the "Future Land Use Map" presented as Exhibit 1 as supporting documentation of <br />the intention for this tract of land to remain zoned as Rural Residential/AgriculturaL <br /> <br />Rural Character <br /> <br />"The issue of preservation of rural character was raised by residents and staff. There was <br />almost unanimous agreement that the area's character and heritage should be preserved <br />where possible."page 15, paragraph 1 <br /> <br />"This zoning will, among other things, encourage and promote the dedication of open space, <br />lessen negative visual and environmental effects through development standards and limit <br />access to secondary roads." page 26, paragraph 1 <br /> <br /> <br />