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The passage of the rezoning proposal and the creation of the Land Fi//immanent, would forever <br /> change the character and heritage of not only this tract of land, but the surrounding areas as well. <br /> Residents currently experience a quiet enjoyment of their property, free from the usual intrusions of <br /> commercial and industrial growth, and have conscientiously chosen this life style. 'The "open space" <br /> as cited will become a 100-foot treeless mountain of covered trash and debris. "Environmental <br /> effects" have the potential of being nothing but negative with the possibilities of ground water <br /> contamination, rodent infestation and increased noise and air pollution. The transformation that will <br /> result from the presence of the Land Fill will alter the identity of this acreage both now and for the <br />· future generations that will occupy the land surrounding it. <br /> <br />Transportation Recommendations <br /> <br />"Rural areas will also have greater development pressure and control will need to be put in <br />place to ensure both the integrity of the transportation system and the preservation of rural <br />character." <br />page 16, Utility Issues, top right <br /> <br />"There is concern from the staff that both the main highways and secondary roads be <br />protected from excessive encroachment." page 16, Transportation Issues, paragraph 3 <br /> <br />"Reduce intrusion and negative effects of development on area roads." Transportation <br />Recommendations, page 4 <br /> <br />Traffic will be substantially increased on all existing roads in the area if the zoning motion is passed. <br />The secondary roads will bear the majority of the burdens as they are the most logical "short cuts" to <br />and from the site. Highway 601, Flowes Store Road, Flowes Store Road East and John White Road <br />(some already in poor condition) will be adversely affected by the movement of additional heavy <br />trucks as they enter and exit the Land Fill. <br /> <br />Community Identity <br /> <br />"Assure that planning and zoning matches community needs." Community Identity, page 6 <br /> <br />Our community at present does not have water and sewer. Therefore, new construction will be kept <br />to a minimum and we as a "community" do not need a C&D Land Fill. The plan asserts, <br />"zoning should match community needs". Presently, we have not been apprized as to how trash and <br />debris brought in from Mecklenburg, Union and other counties, and the economic benefit afforded Mr. <br />Grfffin match our community needs. <br /> <br /> <br />