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IN~EK OF JULY 20. 1998 <br /> <br />Marriott to m tax breaks <br /> -fc r, conference center <br /> <br /> Cabarms officials appear headed to- <br /> ward approving a tax incentive pack- <br /> age that will seal the deal for a pro- <br /> posed $40 million Marriott Confer- <br /> ence Center at Kings Grant, as well as <br /> creating the possibility for a second <br /> golf course nearby. <br /> County commissioners expressed <br /> support recently for a plan to increase <br /> the local occupancy tax to 5% from <br /> the existing 3% and rebate part of <br /> those funds to Bethesda, Md.-based <br /> Marriott Conference Centers Inc. for <br /> the planned 300-room hotel. <br /> The tax rebate would extend for five <br /> years, according to the package en- <br /> dorsed this month by the Cabarrus <br /> County Convention and Visitors Bu- <br /> reau. <br /> Besides helping to recruit Marriott, <br />.the tax increase will help pay for <br />eventual expansion of public meeting <br />space at the site to 86,000 square feet, <br />says Mark Shore, Convention and Vis- <br />itors Bureau executive director. <br /> The hotel incentive package also is <br /> likely to include a partial sales tax re- <br /> bate for the conference center. <br /> County commissioners may vote on <br />the proposal as soon as Aug. 17, says <br />Sue Casper, county board chairwom- <br />an. "I'm very much encouraged.". <br /> Commissioner Ken. Mills, a vocal <br />critic of incentives for Marriott this <br />past spring, says he likes the new pro- <br />posal because it doesn't rely on gener- <br />al public funds. Rather, the Marriott <br />incentives will be paid essentially by <br />people who stay at the hotel. "If they <br />want to (raise the funds) themselves, <br />that's fine. with me." <br /> Casper stresses <br />that neither the size <br />of the rebate nor the <br />amount of the occu- <br />pancy tax increase <br />have yet been ap- <br />proved. <br /> Nevertheless, Ules <br />July 10 discussions .......... <br />among county, city and local t6urism <br />officials, along with Kings Grant de- <br />veloper Landex Inc., <br /> <br />incentive issue toward resolution, says <br />Concord Mayor George Liles. "I feel a <br />lot' better about (the Marriott project) <br />than I did before last Friday." · <br /> As an outgrowth of those talks, Liles <br />confirms that Marriott and city offi- <br />cials have at least broached the idea of <br />a second city golf course near the <br />hotel, which is planned for a site next <br /> <br /> the Region <br /> DAVID HARRIS <br /> <br />to Rocky River Golf Club at Concord. <br /> In time, the conference center may <br />require as many as 20,000 tee times a <br />year, more than Rocky River can pm- <br />vide. <br /> "We have made inquiries and will <br />be in position to aqquire land for an- <br />other golf course -- if they say 'yes, <br />we're coming' and 'yes, we can guar- <br />antee 20,000 rounds,' "Liles says. <br />"But there's no any agreement on that <br />at all at this point. It's just a possibili- <br />ty. It isn't in our letter of understand- <br />ing.'' <br /> <br />have moved the F-[ <br /> <br /> <br />