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Oi;I"EI{ TO I'URCIIASE AND CONTI{ACT <br />Eabarrus County Boa~'d o£ Education <br /> <br />· us Buyer. <br /> <br />hcrcbyofl~:rstopurchaseaud O.C. Towell ,asScllcr, <br />upon acceptance of said ofl~:r, agrees to sell arid convey, all of that plol, piece or parcel of land described below, logctber with all improvements located <br />thereon and such fiXlures and personal property as are listed below (collectively referred to as "Ibc Property*'), upon the following lerms and <br />conditions: near <br />I. REAL PROPERTY: Locatcd~ the City of Itarrisburg , County of <br /> Cabarrus , Slate of Noah Caroliuu, being known ;15 and more particularly described as: <br />Street Address Zip <br />Legal Description: See "Exhibit A" attached <br /> <br />( r-1 All [] A portion of the property iii Deed Rel~:rence: Bta~k , Page No.__, County.) <br /> <br />2. FIXTUR. ES: Tile I;~llowing items, if ally, are included itt the purchase price Free of [teas: any built-in appliances, light fixtures, ceiling fans, <br /> <br /> This property is; unimproved land - No fixtures attached to the property. <br /> <br />3. PERSONAL PROPERTY: The following personal property is included ill tbe purchase price: None <br /> <br />4. PURCIIASE PRICE: The purchase price is $ See "Exhibit B" at lathed and shall be paid as follows: <br />(a) $ EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT by [] cash [] per,anal cbeck [3 book check r'3 cerlified check ~ other <br />to ~ deposited and held in escrow by as <br />escrow agent, uotil file sale is closed, at which time it will ~ credited to IJuycf, or until Ibis coutfacl ia otllcrwbe [cl'luinatcd. In thc great: ( 1J Ibis oll~ r <br />i$ iioi accepted; or (2) ally Of Ibc COlldhiona bcreto are ual satialicd, {hen all earnest illOU~C$ shall be relurned IO Buyer. hi thc eVellt of breach of dlis <br />contract by Seller, upon Buyer's <quest, all earnest illOll{¢s shall be r~turoed to Buyer, but such rcturo shall not al'l~ct ally other remedies available <br />to Buyer for such breach. In file cvclll this ol~r is acccpled and Buyer brcacbes this contract, Ihco aB earncs[ mooics ~ll;dl be forfeited u~n Seller's <br /> <br />NOTE: In Iht event of a dispute belween ~cllcr aud Buyer over thc rcturo or forlEitm'c of caroeM ntoncy held m escrow by a broker, tile broker is <br /> <br />(b) $. ADDITIONAL EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT to ~ paid to escrow agent ilo lurer than <br /> <br />(d) $. BY SELLER FINANCING in accoMance willl Ibc attached Seller Financillg Addextdtlnl. <br />(e) $. BALANCE ut* Ihe pu<hase price in caab at closing. <br />5. CONDITIONS: (State NIA iu each blank Ihul la ual a coudition to this contract.) <br /> <br />0 FIIA ~ VA (attach FI-I~A l:hxallcilig Addcudmo) 0 Cmtvendonal g Other loan at a <br />~ lqx~ R~ ~ Adjustable Rule ~ Other: .in thc principal amount of <br /> <br />shall be responsible t~r all cost~ with respe<l to al~y loam obtained by Buyer, except il'Seller ia to pay ally of ibc Buyer's luau closing costa iucluding <br /> <br /> Public education i)u~oaes, <br /> <br />(e) Thie must be delivered at clasing by GENEILAL WARRANTY DI"ED ullless otilerwisc stated hcrciu, and must be lee simple marketable title, free <br /> None <br /> <br />(Illaeft "None" or the identification of such assessments, if ally.) Seller shall pay all conlirlned ownei's' association assessnlenls and all coufiro:ed <br />goveromental asaessmems, ir' airy, and Buyer shall take title subject to ail peuding asseasnlents, it' ally, unless otherwise agreed as follows; <br /> None <br /> <br />or paid at closing: (a) Ad valorem taxes on mai property shall bc proraled on a calendar ycur basis through tile date of closing; (b) Ad valorem taxes <br />on personal property for the entire year shall be paid by the Seller uuless the personal pn~perty is cooveyed Io Ihe Buyer, io which case, the personal <br />property taxes shall be prorated oil a calendar year basis through tile date of closiug. (c) All late listing penalties, it' any, shall bc paid by Seller. (d) <br />Reals. il' any. for the Property shall be prorated Ibrough tile date of closing. (e) Owners' associalioa dues, and other like charges shall be proralcd <br />through tbe date of closing. Salter represents that Ibc regular owoers' ass~iation dues, if any, arc $.~ ~r . <br />8. CLOSING EXPENSe: Sollcr s~all pay Ibr preparation of a deed and all other d~oments necessary to pcrlbrm ~llcr's obligalions under Ibis <br />agreement, and for excise tax (revenu~ stamps) required by law. Buyer shall pay l~r rccoMing the deed and I~r preparation aud recording of all <br />iuMfUlllenl$ required to secure Ibc bataucc of tile purchase price unpaid al closing. <br />9. FUEL: Buyer agrees to pu<hase I?onx Seller die Mci, if any, situated in any lauk mi tile Property at the prevailing rule with the cost of measu<ment <br />thereof, if any, ~ing paid by Seller. <br />10. EVIDENCE OF TITLE: Seller agrees to u~ his bcst efforts to deliver ia Buyer as soon as reasonably possible after thc acceptance of this oft~r, <br />copies of all title information io possession of or available to Seller, iucl~ding but not l inlilcd lo: tiBc insurance policies, attorney's opinions on title, <br />surveys, covcflanls, deeds, no[cs alld deeds of I~at and c;tsclnCllt5 [clalblg to thc Property. <br />11. LABOR AND MATERIAL: Seller shall furnish at closing an affidavit and indcmldfication agrcem8nl hi {btm ~atiafactol~ to Buyer showh]g <br />that all labor and malerials, if soy, furnished to thc Propc~y whhiu 120 days prior to thc date of closiug have ~cn paid for and agreeing lo indcnutify <br />Buyer against all loss tTom any cause or claim arisiug therefrom. <br />NC Bar Association Form No. 2, O 1 g96. ~- ~ / This Slondara go,m has been app,ovod jointly by the: <br /> <br /> <br />