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12. PROPERTY DISCLOSURE AND INSPECTIONS: <br />(a) Property Disclosnre: <br />E/Buyer has received a signed copy of the Residenlial Property Disclosure Statement prior to ~he signing of this Offer ~o Purchase and ContracL <br />{3 Buyer has NOT received a signed copy of Ihe Residential Properly Disclosure Slatcmcnt prior to Ibc signing of Ibis Offer to ~hase and Contract <br />and shall have the righ~ Io ~erminale or wilhd~w dfis contract wilhom penally opon receipl oflhe Resldemial Pm~y Disclosu~ 5mlemem pmvlded <br />such ~erminnfion ur wi~hdrnwal notice is bund delivered or mailed ~o Seller or Seller's Agem ~vi~hin ~hree days following receip~ of same. <br />~ ExemM from Residemial Pro.ny Disclosure Slalemcnl bccau~ (SEE GUIDELINES) Un,reproved ~an~ <br />~ ~m Pco~y is rusidenlkd :md was buil~ prior ~o 1978 (Altach Lead-Based Paint or L~ad-Ba~ed Paint Hazards Disclosure Addendum.) <br />(b) Pr~per~ylnspecli~n: Un~ess~iherwisesm~edhe~in~ras~he~wisepmvided~n~ninspec~naddendumat~achedhere~.Buyersh~ave <br />the opfiou o~ inspecting or, oblaining nt Buyer'~ expeuse, inspections zo d~lermine Ihe condilion of ~he Pm~y. Unless olhenvise sla~ed h~rein. <br />is a condifion of Ibif conlracl Ilmt: fi) Ibc both-la appliances, electrical syslem, phmmbing syslem, he~ling and cooling systems, ~f covetings <br />~including flashing nnd gmlersL doors nnd windows, exlerior surfaces, sm~cmr~l compnnenls (including foundation;, columns, chimneys, <br />walls, ccillngs and moFO, porches ~nd decks, fireplaces and Ilues, crawl space and nUic ventilation system~ (ff any), w~ler ~nd ~ewer syslems (public <br />and pdvale), ~hnll be ~fforming lhe fimcfion t~r which inlunded and shall nog be in need off immedi~ze mpni~ (ii) zhere shall be no unusual drainage <br />conditions orevidence o~ excessive moislt~rc adversegy afl~cfing ~he s~r,cmrefs): ami (iii) Ihere shall be no friable a~slos or exisling envimnmenlnl <br /> <br />&,) Acccplnnce: CI,O~IN~ SHAI.L CONN'J~[TI rl'l~ t~CCI,'.PTt~NCE DF I,~fiCI 1 OF TI [ESYSTEM~. ITEMS AND CONDITIDNS LISTED <br />ABOVE IN ITS TIIEN EXISTING CONDITION [JN~,ESS PROVISION IS OTUERWISE MADE IN WRITING. <br /> <br />nece~sacy in connection wilh closing and ~ranffer ol'liflc on or. hclbre 0c~ober 31 ~ 1998 . , nl a ph~ce designmed by Buyer. <br />The deed is m be made lo Ca ~rrus County Board of. Education <br />I S. POSSESSION: Onle~s o~herwi~e provldcd hereiu, possession ~hall be d~Hvered al closing. ~. Ihe even~ possession is NOT ~o be delivered <br /> <br />16. OTHER PROViSiONS AND CONDITIONS: ~ITEMIZE ALL ADDENDA TO TI lis CONTRA~ AND A~FACH H~R~O. SffE LIST <br />OF STANDARD PORM ADDENDA AVAILABLE.) <br /> See attached "Exhibit C" <br /> <br />2% EXECUTION: ~fi~ offer ~hall ~come ~ binding comracl when signed by b~lh Buyer and Sellec. This commct is ex~cu[ed u~deg se~l im <br />LEGAL NEEDS. YOU SHOULD CONSULT A NORTH CAROLINA REAL ESTATE A~ORNEY BEFOR~ YOU SIGN IT. <br /> <br />S~ax tD~ ~ ~ / ssfrax ID~' 0.' C. Toweil~ <br /> <br />By:. <br /> <br />Selling Agenl/Firn~lPhon¢ <br />l.isling Agc~n/l:h' <br /> <br /> r~ Buyer's Agent <br /> ~'1 Seller's (sub)agem <br />Acting as r~ Dual Agent <br /> <br />Actiug as [~ Dual Agent <br /> <br /> <br />