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O1"1"1'.;I.[ TO I)URCHASI~ AND CONTRACT dared June 2. [995 ~ <br /> Cabarrus County Board of Education <br />berebyoflkrstopurchaseandO~om~lPharr and Mary Lou and as Trusteo UfA* <br />u~n acc~pta~e of said off, r. agrees to ~ll and convey, all of that plot. piece or parcel of [and ~scri~d below, together wilh all impmvem~uts I~ated <br />tbereon and such fixtures and ~rsonal pm~y us am lis(cd ~low (collectively rc~h~rcd Io as "~he Pm~my"}. upon thc lbllowing lernm and <br />conditions: <br />1. REAL PROPERTY: Locamd in Ibc City of Concord . County of <br /> <br />Legal Oe~cription: See "Exhibit ~" a~tached <br /> <br />( 12 All r'l A portion o£lhc property in Deed Reference: Bo,~k__. Page No. . Chanty.) <br /> <br /> This property is unimproved land - No gixtures al:Cached to the property <br /> <br />3. PERSONAL PROPERTY: Thc tbllowing peso,al property is il(eluded in thc purcha~,c price: <br /> <br />4. PURCtL/~SE PRICE: The purchase price is $. See "Exhibit B" attached and ~ihall be paid as follows: <br />(al $. EARNESTMONEY DEPOSIT by D cash [] ~rsonalcheck ~ bank clleck ~ cerliliedcheck ~ olher <br />lo ~ de.sited arid held in escrow by ~ <br />e~crow agent, unlil thc sale is closed, ut which time il will ~ cf critical to Buyer, or until Ibis COlltr~cl is otherwise termiaaled. In die event: ( I ) this o fl0r <br />ia not scrupled: or (2) any of the conditions hereto are cot ~ali~fied. thell all earnest monies alkali be f~lurned to Buyer. In IIl~ event of Df each ol~thi~ <br />contract by Seller. upon Buyer'~ request, all earnest monies ~hall ~ returned to Bu7cL but such ~turn shall not al'l~cI any olher remedies available <br />to Buyer for such breach. In Ihe event this o[l~r is accepted and Buycr breaches this contract, then all earnest moaica shall be forfeited u~n ScJler's <br />fequeaL but receipt of such Ibrl~ited e~mesl monies shall not all,ct any oilier remedies available to Seller Iht such breach, <br /> <br />(b) $ . ADDITIONAL EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT to ~ paid to escrow areal no later than <br /> <br />(d) $ BY SELLER FINANCING i:~ accordauc¢ with the attached Seller Financing Addendunl. <br />{e) $ BALANCE of the purchase price in cash al closing, <br />5. CONDITIONS: IState NIA in each blank Illat is [roi a coudiliml to this cmnract,} <br /> <br />0 FHA ~ VA (attach FIIANA Financing AddenduulJ ~ ColivculJmlal ~ Oilier loan at a <br />~ lr~cM ~e ~ Adj~t~le Rate ~ Other: .ia die principal amount of <br /> <br /> Public education pu~oses. <br /> <br />(d) All deeds of trust, liens and other charges agaiast Iht Properly, nol assunlcd by Buyer, musl be paid aim satisfied by Seller pri,.~r to or at closiug <br />6. SPEC[AL ASSESSMENTS: Seller warrants that there are lit} govermnental special assessments, either pellding or coufimled. Ibr sidewalk. <br /> <br />or paid at closing: (al Ad valorem lexus on real property shall be prorated oil a calendar year basis through tile date of closing: (b) Ad valorem taxes <br />on personal property for the entire year shall be paid by the Seller unless the persoual pmper~y is conveyed to thc Buyer, in which case, the ~onal <br />pto~rty taxes shall ~ prorated on a ealmffiat year b~i$ through {he date of clo~ing. (c) All late lisling ~nalties. if any, ~haH ~ paid by Sell~r. (d) <br />Rents. if any. for tbe Prope~y shall ~ prorated through tbe dale of closing. (c) Owners' ass~ialion dues~ and other like charges shall ~ prorated <br />through the date of closing. Seller represents that Ihe r~gular OWl:ers' ass~iation dues, if ally. are $ ~r . <br />8. CLOSING EXPENSES: Seller shall pay f~rp~epara~n~fade~danda~therd~mn<n~nece$sary~r~brn~S~r.~bligatkmsuuderthis <br />agreement, and for excise tax (revcllu¢ stamps) required by law. Buyer shall pay Iht recording thc deed and lbr preparation and recording of all <br />instruments required to secure the balance of the purcha~ price unpaid at closing. <br />9. FUEL: Buyer agrees lo ptlmhase from Seller {he Ihcl, Sillily, silualcd hi any tallk oll die Prolmrty at Ibc pfc raj lille rate wiih Ibc cost of meaaurc me/It <br />Ihereol~ if any. ~ing paid by Seller. <br />10. EVIDENCE OF TITLE: Seller agrees to u~ his ~st ¢flh~a Io deliver to Buyer ~ soon a~ reasonably ~saible slier Ihe acceptance o[ thi~ oR~r, <br />copies of all title inlbrmation in possession of or available to Seller. including but not limiled to: tide insu ra~<e policies, attorney's opinions on title, <br /> <br />I I. LABOR AND MATERIAL: Seller ~ha[I turni~h al closiug an affidavit and indemnification agreemcat in IBrm satisl'aclury to Buyer choking <br />Ihat all labor and materials, if any, fitmished to the Pmpe~y wilhitl [ 20 days prior to dm date of closing ha ye ~eu paid tbr and agreeing ~o indemnil~ <br /> <br /> <br />