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12. PROPERTY DI$CLOSUREAND INSPECTION.~: <br />(a) Property Disclosure: <br />[] Buyer has received a signed copy of the Residential Pml~ny Disclosur~ Statement prior to fire signing of ~his Offer Io ~ha~ and Conlmcl. <br />~ Buyer has NOT ~ccivcd a signed copy of thc Rcsidcmial Pro~y Disclosure S~alcmcnl prior Io ~he signing of this Offer Io ~h~ and Contract <br />~nd shall have Ibc Hghr Io lerminalc or wilhdmw ~hi~ contracl wilhou~ ~nally u~m receipt oflhe Residential Pm~y Disclosure Slatemcnl provided <br />~uch Icrmln;nlon or wi~hdraw:d nodcc is hand delivered or nlailcd Io ~clk'r .~ ~clk*r's A~enl wilhin three day~ fi)llowing receipl o[ same. <br /> <br />~ Thc Pro. My is ~sidcmial aud was built prior Io 197g (Attach Lead-Bused Paint or Lead. Based Paint tlaz.rd~ Disclosure Addendum.) <br /> <br />(e) Acceplance: C[,()SING SItA I,I, CONSTITUTE ACCEIrI'ANCE Ol: EACI I OF THE SYSTEMS. ITEMS AND CONDITIONS LI~ED <br />ABOVE IN ITS TllEN EXIS'FING CONDITION UNI,ESS PROVISION IS OTIIERWlSE MADE IN WRITINC. <br />13. REASONABLE ACCESS: Seller will provide rcason;ible access ~o Buyer or I]uycr's represemaliv~s l~r Ibc pu~oses of appraisal, inspeclion. <br /> <br />14. CI,OSING: Ch~sin~ ,hall bc defined as d~e d:nc and time of rccnrding ofghe deed. All pa~i~s agree Io execuie any and all docum~ms and pa~rs <br /> <br />The deed is lo bc made Io ~obarrus CouR~y.. ~Q~E~ of Education .. <br /> <br />16. O'FtlER PROVISIONS AND CONDITIONS: (ITEMIZE ALL ADDENDA TO TIllS CONTRA~ AND A~ACI I l lER~O. SEE LIST <br /> <br />~2. EXECUTION: This oft~r ~hall ~cnmc a binding conlrac~ when sigucd by ~th Buyer and Seller. This comract is execul~d under seal in sig~d <br /> <br />IF YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND THIS OFFER 'FO PURCIIASE AND CONTRA~F OR FEEL THAT IT DOES NOT PROVIDE FOR YOUR <br />LEGAL NEEDS. YOU SI [OULD CONSUUF A NORTI l CAROLINA REAL ESTATE A~'ORNEY BEFORE YOU SIGN lT. <br /> <br />SS~ax ID~ - ' ~ SS/Fax [D~ UOn~S <br /> <br /> s~/rax ID~ ~ary Lou Allred, in~idually and as <br />Da~e:SS~ax ID~ Da,c: ~.f~-~ Trustee U/A dated June 2,199' <br /> <br />hcre¢,f. <br /> <br />Selling Agent/Fir m/Phc)ne <br /> <br /> O Buyer's Agent <br /> I~ Seller's (sub)agent <br /> Acdng as [] Dual Agent <br /> 0 Seller's, (suhJugem <br />-- Acdng :ix ~1 D~lat Agenl <br /> <br /> <br />