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Zamias family on mall-buying binge <br /> <br /> By Joyce Gannon l~ree, ~; ,~,did, 0~; and ~m <br /> <br /> ' ~ ~ch~ ~ ~ ~t ~ <br />Zo~~ ~m~ ~ ~ but an md~~ ~id it ~ ~d <br /> one ~ Pe~I~ from ~[- - f~m C~C O~e~e~ ~d ~1~ <br /> <br />especially for regional centare like in <br />Jolmatown and York, which was the <br />f~ of o~ b~n~ ~ hst 20 ~ ~ <br /> <br />~en an ~¢ ~g ~ for ~y ~ <br />ye~. P~ for~e ~ ~d ~ adjacent <br />o~ p~ off ~ute ~ ~ no.east <br /> <br />~, ~ere ~sJd~ don L ~t ~e <br /> <br /> MetLife spokesman Brad ~ <br />The deal boosts gamia~' pctlfo~io to 4~said the ~T~ was L~.. of MetLife,s phn to <br />mal]s b~ 17 states a~d ~ a.~?!ffcant unload equity hal '_d/~s and ~ m~ra <br />~.tep by t~ gain/as family Imsin~.~s to~oa~ o~ conuaetchl mod~ge~., de~elot~meat and are opposed to eon. <br />shift their focus fram m_a!l development .'fine lO propedies have a combi-ed $ struction of a Route ~8 interchange that <br />to propez,~.' acquisitiens a~A manage- m/llion.$q~n~, fee~ of leasable s~aee. <br />me. ze, saki Dam_;an~ Zamiaa, the c~m~- lq'me arc encle.e~,d malls and one, ~. <br /> would provide aeeea$ to the ~te_ <br /> <br />. Onepmje~..?~m~_~stflli~'18, Za~.~ a~I MetLife aeseal~ the ~ue the _p.T'.j~__ a~l that he <br /> .Fra~e~ r lle~ Oallefia ~loOg suzu~r ~o l~ose _~,ve~..ope~. ~y Zami~' the major re~flers who yearn ago <br /> I:alan3 Gal]e~ aAd II:~iana (~M.) M,~I mall -- remahl eemmil:t~d tO the <br /> <br /> That mall ~ a ~0 m~ion project that <br />woeld be anchored ~ .~ depm- <br />me~t stores, tndu~g Eaufmaaa's and <br /> <br /> Kaufmanu's <br />said wtu3e ~ete's beeu no actl~ <br />~im, a~ut t~ Fa~er <br />still iD alu' plans." <br /> Pittsb~-baseg 4o~h ]~orue Co. <br />also cennnitled to the F~azet mall but <br />has since been bought out: _by the f ~n rus <br />,'~,;~ Peter Mendoza, vice p~r~i~e.qt- <br />.S~o. up store for t~,~,_,-ds, de- <br />~ to comment on whet. her .the chain <br />was considering the Fraze~ sit~ <br /> <br /> <br />