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Zamias Services -- <br />At Home In The Middle Market <br /> <br />-- <br /> <br />'rlte Gallo'ia aC Johuswv~, }'ulms~OWn, Pe~u'~ylvu~i~. <br /> <br />W'Rh 10 new holdings from Metlife, Zam~:.~ has remained private while managing <br /> to expand its seconcla~ market portfdio. <br /> <br /> dent, he ge~s veq/ <br /> ~ ~ ~ · rec~ call ~m · <br /> <br /> take a ~pot ~as had a,:~il~bl~ <br /> ~e Nord~east. ~,~s hung up <br /> <br />~G~uek" is .s~[ a d~mmker, a~d <br /> gong ~e ~wr <br /> But ~dus ~l~t~ ~t he's hemg <br />__a tic~c morn ~on~tlve ~u~e <br /> even wtdx mon~ ~yh,~ ar him <br /> <br /> comptl~ leb ~ retail r~j ~toce <br />~it~ siz~ Cha~ ~m~ins private and <br /> <br /> w~ {c ~n~m, when it w~t~, ho~. <br /> nti~ and his officers happiec. Don <br /> <br />Borkland. thc company Gl;O, mays, <br />"For-,natoly, ~,e are in a pomition to <br />C.kt, OOIJe with. v,~oi~t we do husine.$i." <br /> I~ lace 1997, Zamias ~Ao~d on a LO. <br />mall portfolio purchased from <br />MctlJf~, Th~ tm',~n~c,';ou Was esdmat- <br />Od at $200 million, say soucc~ close <br />UO thc deal, though an e~ct f-isure was <br />never r~luamed. ~ &eat substantially <br />increased the size of Z, ar~as' porffts. <br />lio, and make the Jol, msr~,.~,n. Penn- <br />sylvania bas~d developer a contct,,der <br />{:fit' bigger and bcuer rhlny~s. <br /> Sb. oppi,~ Centt:r Business ~ecently <br /> <br />and Salu, who heaci up management <br />and laasLu{i, r~spect2vcly; Clinic/~:inan- <br />cial Officer Donald Borkiand; Tr~a- <br />surer Ti,n Clask: and Vi~: Yrcmdent c~ <br />leasing Per~ Ku~, co st:c hc~v clxe ac- <br /> <br />dine scratch- {.' planh ~or the hmate. <br /> <br /> George D. 7_ m,,,}_-, Developer, as <br />· company has been kaxown, has <br /> chatxged over ~ past few yeats. The <br /> development arm and par~axc compa- <br /> ny is still known am C~or$~ D. <br /> Developer, but a new'opexa~ng entity' <br /> has emerged r~lle~{ Zamia~ Service, <br /> inC. (ZSIL Zahlhu'~a~e~':the new <br /> umt ~ an oprra~ss$ ~n,~p~y ~or i~ <br /> ow~ aa~e~, ~r thRd~ amber, and <br /> to paru~er ~ f~nd~ <br /> ' ~ cake adv~m8~ oi to~y's po{i~w <br /> reraii cumin. ~[ ~s able ~o provid~ <br /> aH the ~pab{{l~ o~ a ~bilc ~p~ <br /> ny~ su~ ~ ac~ m ~pita[~ <br /> having to ~er to a~lym~ and <br /> ue~onent bankers iu r~g~ds ~o deci- <br /> ,~lou-a~a~ng. Tlxe company has 25 <br /> malls ia it~ porffo~o, aimoae aH o~ <br /> <br /> rajas Dev(:lo~r or. in coml)i~o~ <br /> <br /> <br />