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Zami~e acquLsicionol~ thc tOO-mall <br /> MetLife portfolio ia lac~ 1997 <br /> cr~as=s the developer's port[01lo by <br /> <br /> Goldman Sae3-.s' Whl~halI Fund <br /> pumhaae the acquisition: aud CIBC , <br /> OppenheLmc~ pt'ovided thc-. strut. <br /> tared debt component of the trau~c- <br /> r. ion i~r Za~ia~, T~e ten new m~lls, <br /> Io,-ar-d imm lqo~ida to Wiscom~i~, Lit <br /> ir. well wi~& Zaz~a.~' secouda, t'y m~u- <br /> ~t scrateso,. <br /> 7~unL'~s has a good reco£d :n turu- <br />i-g ~enr,,r~ ar, rolM, whid~ is wbac <br />pla~s co tin with a nul:Obcr of 'd1¢ c~n- <br />tc~ in cbc Merl2~ pm~olio. For onc <br />asset d~at ZS[ managed ~or an hlsri- <br />mrlonal cllmt, Zamia~ in=teased the <br />m.~_ operating income of a ce:neet by <br />3~1 percent ~n cwo yeah. It pla~s to <br /> <br />the MetLife port,oho. <br /> a-to .r~-vive .t o'.nte~, we create at:- : <br />~vi~, ac t~e cenrer. Irt some situa- <br />tiotm, w~ have -~'t't'l '~de-maile. d' thc <br />center ro do tita:." say~ Russ, <br /> ~[~ you '~'Ork a center hacd and a?- - <br />ply thc unde:$tandiag o~ leasing m <br /> <br />7am!a*. "I~ th~ ~'T ifc portfolio, We <br /> <br />~ ~edeg ~p, ~d we ~ve d~ . <br />o~d a ga~ ph~ ~ to w~c~ m- ~ <br /> <br />n~ely i~s ~a~cial ba~r, b~i~ <br /> <br />posi~ the ab~ ~ p~ ~ : <br />and employ p~denc ma~g~ent, <br /> <br />~hereby creadng value. They also ~ave <br />tong-sta~ding relationships with. a~ <br />chon, ~me o~ the best in the ind~ <br />~y. ~ey ai$o pos~ss demographic <br />prowess i~ understanding secon~ <br />tarkett," say* LouN G. ConEom ~ <br />CIBC Opp~er, who N~s <br />=d ~r $160 ~l~on ia Zaw~s <br />~s~ ~Clu~ng ~e capital i: puc <br /> <br />caused the en~ ~mias orgaa~a- <br />~on m ~k~ on a lot of overhead <br />new people m cover ~e n~ <br /> <br />With ~e new p~lc ~nd up~d~ <br />ab~iaes, e~e a6xt dine ~$ <br />q~ a po~o, i~ will not ha~ <br />add ~ much ~bor or mp~rt b~ <br />it Ms p~ed ~r lc <br /> "Our p~ptc ~ ~ ~ue <br /> <br />busine~ and ~ are some of <br />b~t people in ~ ~ia~s, if n~ <br />b~t. %aCs ~ s~u~ of our corn <br /> <br />~8 b~s ~ old ~on~ <br />~y~ ~a Gm~: ~or vice pr~ <br />dent oF CB Communal who <br />bm~r ~e ~acfioa be~een <br /> <br />shoe is as ~ ~ ~ <br /> <br /> <br />