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DISTRESSED COUNTIES RANKING FOR DECEMBER, 1995 <br /> USING 199(I AND 1994 POPULATION <br /> <br />.C..ABARRUS S.a7~,''- Ig I ~,~77_9._ IS 3.7% 21 5'7 89 5 425 -Iris <br />IREDELL __8.4_~_~ I _6 .... ! g_: 2.._9.?_ 21 3._~ 20 57 89 5_. 422 464 <br />HeN~)m~SON s.3~ 2_0_ 19,2_3.L Iq 3.7% 2: s6 91 s 4~- <br />D^W~ S._30_,..~ a4 ..... 2_~,20_L 9 2..7% 2 ss 92 s 3~- <br />MOORE 10.12% 12 21,45_~_8 8 4.0% 29 49~1 93 5 38__2. <br />JOHNSTON 12.60% 5 1.7,450 2'7 3.3% 10 42~ 94 5 346 380 <br />UNION 12.04% 8 17,879 2~ I 3.3% 11 42 94 5 4i~- 460 <br />POLK 7.32% 2.722,186 5 i 2.9% 6 38 96 5 325 357 <br />CHATNAM g.260.:- 21 19,787 l I 2.9% 4 36 97 5 396 435 <br />MECKLENBURG 9,73% 13 24,612 I 3.6% 15 29 98 [ $ ~;60 616 <br />ORANGE ____ 11.53% 9 21,945 6 2.2% I 16 99: 5 39~ 4~- <br />WAKE 16.49% I 23,959 2 2.9% 5 g I011 5 473 521 <br />NOTF, S: <br />1. Populallon [rowlh was dclcrmlned using 0~ years 1990 and 1994 ~s reporled bylhe. Stale Iludg, et OB'ice and Manal~emeat n=_.2~d <br />U. S. Depaflmeut of Commerce, Bureau of Census.J '! <br />2. The Sourer of Persoual Per Capiln Income is Ihe II. S Depa~Imenl._of Cominco-cc, Bureau of I'~conomi¢ Analysis. <br />1993 Per Capila lnoom¢ was used since Ih¢ 1994 eslimales will not be available until June of 1996. I <br />3. Tho Unemploymea! Rate is fl~o average ralo from July, 1993 Io June~ 1994 riel seasomdly ad[os[~ ~ provldM by the <br />Employmenl Seeurily Commissiont Labor Market Informalion <br />Prcpar~ by L~r Markcl Information, Noflh Carolina Employment Security Commission <br />Prepared for ~arles Johnson. Finance Cenlcrt D~paRmcnt of Comm~rc~ <br /> <br />Paoe 3 <br /> <br /> <br />