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EXHIBIT B <br /> <br />FCI IC4~NNAPOLIS PLANT 1 - REAL PROPERTY DESCRIPTION <br /> <br /> LEGAL DESCRIPTION I'~ACT 1 <br /> <br />'All that tract or parcel of I<:nd, l)~ng and being in the City of <br />Konncpolis, No, ¢ Township, Co~orru~ County, and in Chino Grove <br />Township~ Rowan County, Nort~ Carolina containing 136.g0 qcres, <br />m~re er less, c~d being more particularly described os follows: <br /> <br /> Beginning at the N.C.G.S. Monument 'IKonnopolfs" having NAD 27 State <br /> Plane N'. 6~3,604.26, E: 1,519,64-2.¢1, said point being <br /> the POINT OF COMMENCEMENT; thence, S40'3¢'~7"W o distance of <br /> ~677.1S' to Q point m~rked by o PK hall which is the cen[erline <br /> intersection o~ North Main S[reet, U.S. Hwy, 29-A and West First <br /> Street, said poin~ being ~he POINT OF BEGINNING; ~hence, along the- <br /> cen~erline oF Wes~ Firs~ Stree~ NBO'43'I3"W o dlstonce of 17.59' <br /> to o poln~; thence, clang the proper~y <br /> N24'27'44"W o distance of 650.34' <br /> rebor; ~hence, ccn[inuing along the proper~y line <br />S65'2~'05"W e d~st~nce oF 201.0~' to o poin~ morke0 by o noi~ and <br />.~op; thence, ~iong ~he property line o¢ Trot[ 13 and Troc~ 12 <br />~81'~2'26"'~ c Cis~cnce of }20,32' ~o o poin~; ~hence, otong the <br />proper~y li~e of Tract 12 ~he Following five (5) courses and <br />dls~onces: (i) S~'12'13d"W o distance oF 173.85' ~o o po~n~ <br /> ,marked by c tach end cop; (2) S29'14'50"E <br /> o po~n~ morkes ay : drill hole; (5) S55'38'25"W <br /> 26.75' to c Co~ mor~e~ by ~ drill <br /> di5~:nce of 2:,22' ~o o poin~ marked <br /> S5¢'55'29"W ~ ~s~once of 121.09' ~o ~ po~n~ .in t~e cen~erHne of <br /> We~ "A" S~ree~: ~hence, ~he Fol~owlng [7) courses and distances <br /> clang the cen~erUne oF West 'A' S~reet: (1) N2~' 56'll"W o <br /> distance o~ ~43.;4' to o point; (2) N24'29'41'W o ~is~once <br /> 75~.98' to ~ po;~: (5) N~4'40'I~"W o distance <br />poTnt; (4) N4g'45'06"W ~ dis[once oF 200,62' <br />N40'35'lS"w ~ c~s:once oF 209.98' to o point; [6) M32'56'50"W <br />o distance oF 235.~8' to o poin~; (7) N25' 57'09"W o distance <br />521.81' ~o o pc;q~ on (he southeos~ righ[ oF way line of Konnopoiis <br />Loop Rood [75' R/W); [hence, along ~he sou~heos( right of way line <br />o~ Konnopolis LoGo Rood NO2'I~'O7"E o dis~nce <br />pain(; [hence, c~ong o curve ~o [he righ~ in the sou~heos~ <br />way line of Kcn~opoHs Loo~ Rood on arc dis~nce o¢ 591.05' ~o a <br /> <br />B-2 <br /> <br /> <br />