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EXHIBIT B <br /> <br />FCI ]CA.NNAPOLIS PLAxNT 1 - REAL PROPERTY DESCRIPTION <br /> <br /> Do;niL said curve having (: radius of 535.46', a chord bearing <br /> N33' §0'2~5"E, (:nd ~ chord distance of 58;.4-9'; thence, along the <br /> sauth~ost righ~ of way line of Kannopalis Loop Road N65'27'44"E <br /> o dlstcnce cf 205.79' to ~ polnt; thence, along a curve to the <br /> <br />arc dis~nce of 298.07' ~a a point s~[d curv8 having o rodJ~s <br />2827.2g', ¢ chard O~arJng of N88'27'4~'E. and a chord d~s~onc~ <br />295.94' ~a ~ go~n~; ~henc~. along the southe~s~ right o~ way <br />of Kann~golis Loop Rocd NTJ'27'~'E a distance oF 117~,15' ~a <br />patna; ~hence. ~iong a curve to ~he righ~ in ~he southern righ~ <br />way Hne oF K~nnaDolis Leap Road an crc dls~ance of 559,25' <br />DaUnt. said curve having a radius o( 678.70', ~ chard bearing aF <br />58~'55'55~E. ccd a chord dis~ance aF 543.56' taa pa{nt; ~hence <br />clang ~he southwest righ~ of way line o~ Kcnnopol[s Loop Rood <br />S81'19'3¢"E c distance of 905,68' to a pa~n~; thence, along a <br />curve Lo the Jef~ along the southwes~ r~ght al way line of <br />KanncpolJs Laap Rood an ora distance af ~78.25', said curve h.3v{ng <br />C rcdrus al 753.70', a chord bearing af S88'QS'~2"E and a chard <br />a[s~once aF ~77.84' ~a c pcin~ which ~s the in~ersecUon af the <br />southwest r~gh~ of way Dine o~ KannopoJlg Loa~ Read and <br />cen~erHne o~ North McJn Street; Lhence, aJang (he cen~erHne oF <br />'North Wa[n, Street ~he following four (~) courses and dis(antes: <br />(I) S28'0~'58"W c ~is~ance cF 152.7g' Lc c ga{n~: (2) <br />S28'¢6'53"w c d~sLcnce at 1731.93' {c c paint; (3) S29' 34'sg"w <br />c distance af 503.79' ~a c oo[n~: (4) 528'53'22"W c distance <br />8~,~7 (o ¢ c ...... ~hence, N72' 38'01"W c d~s~once a~ 52.07' ~o <br />~ pa~n~: thence, NSI'IS'&O"W ¢ dis'~ <br /> ,~nc~ cf ~0.74' to o paint; <br />~h~nc~. N35'IS'2g"W a d[s[¢nce af 55.38' taa palnL: thence, <br />N25'05'sg'w c ~s~ance of ~.t6' ~a a paint; ,hone., <br />NT7~5'lS"W a ¢istance of 58.57' ko a point; thence, <br />N15'47'54"W a distance of 57.11' ko a point: [hence, <br />NO6'00'58"W c distance of 45.89' to a paint whic is marked by <br />I/2" rebcr; the,ce. NT~'18'50'W a distance a~ 4D.OO' La a <br />which is marked ay a 1/2" reber: thence, S~9 d51'D1"W a distance <br />~¢ 55.98' to c ;ainU; thence, S15'07'14"W a distance o~ 57.64' to <br />a pa~nt; thence. S03'25'52"W a distance o~ 54.77' to a point; <br />thence, S07'~ 2 c a distance aE 50.87' [o ~ paint; k~ence, <br />S~0'SI'08"E a d:skance of 51.19' to a paint; thence, <br />S~'5'~5'24"E ~ cJstanca af 52.41' to a point; (hence, S19' <br />~4'54'E ¢ distance of 51,85' to ~ paint; thence, S2~'27'51"E a <br />distance o~ 210.53' ~o O point on the centerline 0¢ North Maim <br />Street; thence, dong the ¢enterline of North Main Street 528' <br />53'22"W a distance a~ 40.33' to a point which is the intersection <br />oF the centerline of North Main S(reeL and West First Street, <br />marked by a PK nd[I, and is the POINT OF BEGINNING. <br /> <br />B-3 <br /> <br /> <br />