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EXHIBIT B <br /> <br />FCI IC-MNNAPOLIS PLANT 1 - REAL PROPERTY DESCRIPTION <br /> <br />TRACT 8 <br /> <br />All that troct or pmrcel of fond, lying and being in the City of <br />Konnapolis, No. 4 Town'ship, Gabc~rrus County, North Carolina <br />containing '~.73 cores, ,more or less, dad bein~ more porticulorl7 <br />described os follows: <br /> <br />Beginning <lt. the intersection of' the centerline o1' West "A" Street <br />and the projection of tn'e north right of way line of Walnut Street, <br />said point being the POINT OF' BF'01NNIN0; thence, along the north <br />ricjht of wry line oi Walnut Street 585'17'22"W a distance of <br />329.19" to o poinf.; thence, along a curve to the right in the north <br />right of way line of Woinut Street on arc distance at 51.51' to o <br />point, said curve having a radius of 156.9Q', a chord bearing of <br />$?'~'¢2'¢4"W and o chord distance of 51.38'; thence. S84.'08'06"W <br />a distance ot' 78.27' to a point which is the intersection of the <br />north rfght of way line of Wal~,u~ Street and the southeast right <br />way line of K=nno.c=lis Loop Road (75' R/W): thence, clang u curve <br />to the right in the southenst right of way line of Kannqpolis Loop <br />Road an arc distcnce of 138.15' to o point, said curve hovlng a <br />'radius of 11Q8.¢4.'. a chord bearing at NOI'21'12"W, and a chord <br />distance of 138.06'; thence, clang the southeast right of way line <br />Or Konnapotis Loc~ ~oad N0~'I3'07"E o distance of 668.88' ~o a <br />point which is the intersect;on or the southeast righ~ of way line <br />o( Konn=oolis Loop Rood and the centerline protection of Wes~ "A" <br />SWeat: thence, o~cng the cen(ert;ne pro]ecdo~ 0¢ West "A" Street <br />525'3.t'Og"E o aisc=,nce oi 32i.81' to a poi~t on the cen(erline of <br />Wes~ "A" Street; t~e~ce, o(ong the centerJine al WesL "A" Street <br />SJ2'56'50"E ¢ dFs:once of 235.¢8' to o point: thence, along the <br />centerlbe o¢ Wes: "A" Street 5~0'35'15"E a dis~ance o¢ 209.98' <br />to ~ Doin( which ~S the intersection or the ce¢terline c~ West "A" <br />Stree~ and the projectio~ of the north right o¢ ~ay line o¢ Walnut <br />Street, sa~d point also ~eing the POINT O~ B~INNINO. <br /> <br />B-10 <br /> <br /> <br />