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EXHIBIT B <br /> <br />K-ANNAPOLIS PLAiNT 1 - REAL PROPERTY DESCRIPTION <br /> <br />~C r 9 <br /> <br />All that troci or ~c]raei of land, ty~ng end being in the City of <br />K~nnepotis, No..~ Township, Cab~rrus County, North C~roiin~ <br /> <br />described as foJJow~: <br /> <br />Beqlnn[ng at t. he..intersection of the centerline oF West "A" Street <br />oc, d the projection af ~he north right of way line af Juniper <br />Street, said po{hr oein9 the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence, along the <br /> <br />S65'10'41"W a dis~nce or 635.19' to a point on the east right o¢ <br />way line of Konnapolis Loop Rood (75' R/W); thence, along the east <br />right of way line of Kannapolis Loop Rood N~I' 47'35"W a distance <br />of ~6.]Y ~o a poin~; thence, along a curve to the right in the <br />east right of w~y line o¢ ~ennapolis Laop'Road an ore distance of <br />290.15' to a poin~ which is the intersecHon of the east righ~ or <br />way line of Kannapol~s Loop Rodd cna the south right of way line of <br />Walnut Street, s~id curve ~cving a radius of 1108.¢¢', a chord <br />=earf¢9 af Nf4qT'34"W, and o chord distance of 28g.33'; thence, <br />clon~ (,~e sou[h ri~h~ Of way line of Walnut S:reet NS¢'08'06"E a <br />dis~ance of 78.28' ~o ~ pc/n~; thence, ~long a curve to ~he leR ~n <br />~he south r;gh~ oF way line of Wc~nu~ S~reet on arc distance of <br />f}.f~' ~o ~ point s~id curve having a raj;us o~ ~g3.10', a chord <br />bearing of NT¢'~1'38"E, and a char~ dfs~cnce of ~3.32'; ~hence. <br />a~omg the ~ou~h r~gh~ ~f way llne o[ Walnu~ Stree~ N~b'IT'22"E a <br /> <br />"A" Street NCB'¢5'O6"W a distance ct 200.62' to a poir~; thence, <br />alon~ :ne con,ermine of West 'A" S~reet N34'40'I3"W a dis~ance of <br />~13.72' ~a c point which is the rntersectian o~ the centerlime of <br />Wes~ "A" SCree~ cr~ (he pro~ectio~ ar the north righ~ af way lin~ <br />o[ Juniper Street end is the POINT OF BEGINNING. <br /> <br />B-Il <br /> <br />_ £-2 <br /> <br /> <br />