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EXHIBIT B <br /> <br />FCI KAN~A_POLI$ PLANT 1 - REAL PROPERTY DESCRIPTION <br /> <br />TRACT <br /> <br />All th~ troct or Parcel of [and, lying and being in the C~ty <br />Konnopmtis, No. ~ Township, Cab~rrus County, North <br />conto~n~n~ ~.12 Ocres oF ~ond, ond being more <br />described q~ <br /> <br />~eginnlng ~ the ir~ter~,,ction oF the centeriine of We~t "A" 5freet <br />and the north right o(= way projecWon of Pine S~ree~, which i~ the <br />POINT 0F BECINNING; ~hence, olong [he north Mght of woy Uno of <br />P~ne S~ree~ S55'10'~5"W o dis[once of ~55.~2' to o point morked <br />by o 1/2" rebor: thence, N25'$1'28"~ ~ dis~once of 2g0.5~' to o <br />point on [he ~outh righ~ of woy I~ne of Juniper Street~ ~hence, <br />clonq t~e south r~ght of way line of Juniper Street N65'10'¢5"~ <br />o dis~cnce o~ 471.19' to q point which )s ~he intersection o~ the <br />projectFon of the sou~h right o~ ~oy line o~ Juniper Street ond ~he <br />centert~ne oF West "A" Street', thence, a)onq the centert~ne o~ West <br />"A" S(reet S24'2g'41"E o d[stonce ~F 290.61' ~o c poin~ which i~ <br />the intersec~iom of the centedine o~ West "A" Street ond the north <br />r~ght of wcy pro~:tion oF Pine S~ree~ ~,~d the POINT OF ~EGINNING. <br /> <br />B-12 <br /> <br /> <br />