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EXHIBIT B <br /> <br />FCI IC4aNrNAPOLIS PLANT 1 - REAL PROPERTY DESCRIPTION <br /> <br />TRACT 11 <br /> <br />All that tract or parcel of' land, lying and being in the City of <br />Konnopolis. No. 4 Township, Co~orrus County, North Carolina, <br />containing 2.12 acres, mar'e or less. and befng mare particularly <br />described as fallows: <br /> <br /> Beginning ct the intersection af the centerline'of West 'A' Street <br /> and the proj'ection of the north right of way line oF Chestnut <br /> Street, said point being the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence, along the <br /> north right oF way line of 'ChesLnu[ Street S65' 07'58"W o <br /> disLonce of 317.83' [oo point marked by o 1/2" tabor; thence, <br /> N2~'53'13"W o distance of 285.47' to e point marked by o 1/2~ <br /> tabor on the south r[ght of wa7 line oE Pine Street: ~hence. along <br /> the south right o~ wey line of Pine S~reet N~5' 10'~5~E o <br /> dJs~once o~ 329.74' to o point on the centerl[ne of West 'A~ <br /> S{reet: thence, along the centerl[ne o~ West "A" Stree~ <br /> S2~'29'al"W e distance of 285.03' to o point which is ~he <br />, ~ersection oF West 'A' Street amd the projection of the north <br /> 'right o( way Hne of ChesLnu[ Stree~ and the POINT OF BEGINNING. <br /> <br />B-13 <br /> <br /> <br />