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· adding provisions to require the Division of Motor Vehicles to provide Social Security <br /> numbers of the owners of registered motor vehicles that have been blocked from registration <br /> to the county tax collector, and <br />· providing for a 2% penalty in the first month that taxes on registered motor vehicles are past <br /> due. <br /> <br />VI. GENERAL GOVERNMENT <br /> <br />911 Surcharge Flexibility <br />Support legislation to increase flexibility in the use of fees generated for Emergency 911 in order <br />to expand the ability of counties to enhance these services. <br /> <br />Budgeting Process of NC General Assembly <br />Support legislation to provide for a study of ways to improve the coordination between state and <br />local budget timetables and processes, in such areas as education, social services, mental health, <br />and public health; particularly in situations where extended legislative sessions increase the . <br />difficulty of such coordination. <br /> <br />Municipal Annexation and Incorporation <br />Support legislation to: <br />· establish higher levels of services and improved coordination between cities and counties in <br /> meeting local governmental services needs of the state's citizens by requiting that cities not <br /> be allowed to annex territory where all chief services are in place or unless there is in place a <br /> long range services plan for extending their chief services to surrounding areas experiencing, <br /> or projected to experience, urban growth. These should be joint city-county plans that also <br /> cover the chief county services; <br />· modify existing annexation statutes to enhance their openness and responsiveness to citizen <br /> concerns; <br /> modify the annexation process to make it as fair and orderly as possible and to remove <br /> unnecessary procedural requirements that accomplish no benefit for any interested party; <br />· extend the period of time for which a city that annexes into an area served by a volunteer fire <br /> department may contract with the volunteer department, beyond the current 5 year limit; and <br />· prohibit the incorporation decision making body from making a positive recommendation <br /> unless the area to be incorporated submits a plan for providing a reasonable level of <br /> municipal services, to include at least four of the following: fire protection, garbage and <br /> refuse collection or disposal; water distribution; sewer collection or disposal; street <br /> maintenance; construction or right o way acquisition; street lighting; adoption of citywide <br /> planning and zoning. <br /> <br />3 <br /> <br /> <br />