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231 <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, the Board has determined that multi-family <br />residential land uses are considered to be incompatible with the <br />general purpose and intent of the General Commercial zoning <br />district; and <br /> WHEREAS, the Board has determined that multi-family <br />residential project densities in excess of six (6) dwelling units <br />per acre, unless included in a mixed use development, are considered <br />to be incompatible with the general purpose and intent of the <br />Office/Limited Commercial zoning district; and <br /> WHEREAS, the Board proposes to discontinue further <br />consideration of multi-family residential and family/group care <br />facilities as uses within the General Commercial zone in order to <br />adhere to the purpose and intent of the underlying zoning district <br />and to enhance the quality and compatibility of development which <br />promotes reinvestment and economic development opportunities of <br />commercial land; and <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED that the Cabarrus County Zoning <br />Ordinance is hereby amended as follows: <br /> <br />Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment <br />Purpose: To discontinue multi-family residential, family care and <br />group home facilities from the list of allowed uses in the General <br />Commercial (GC) and establish a performance standard which limits <br />the density of multi-family residential land uses in the <br />Office/Limited Commercial zoning district to a maximum of six (6) <br />units per acre. Each of these actions are consistent with the <br />general purpose and intent of the underlying zoning district(s), <br />which is to preserve these areas for future commercial development. <br /> <br />Back~round: Currently multi-family residences, family care and group <br />care facilities are land uses designated as either "permitted" or <br />"permitted based on standards", in the General Commercial zone. As <br />part of the on going administration of the Zoning Ordinance, <br />insuring the proper delineation of compatible and appropriate <br />separation of incompatible land uses, it has been determined that <br />multifamily residential, family care and group care facilities <br />should be restricted from the General Commercial Zoning District <br /> <br />Since commercial land uses are finite In relationship to existing <br />land development patterns along major transportation corridors, <br />staff is concerned that the policy of limiting future multi-family <br />residential, family care and group care facilities in General <br />Commercial (GC) zones may have a peripheral effect of over <br />developing the remaining Office/Limited Commercial (OF/LC) parcels <br />(with similar types of land uses) since 'these areas can currently be <br />developed (in theory) with densities up to eighteen (18) units per <br />acre. <br /> <br />These types of land uses are currently either permitted, or <br />permitted based on standards, in the (OF/LC) zoning district. To <br />control the extent of this potential action, staff recommends that <br />a density limitation be established in the (OF/LC) zone which would <br />limit multi-family residential, duplex and townhouse development to <br />six (6) dwelling units per acre. <br /> <br />The density limitation provides future opportunities for mixed-use <br />projects with an appropriate density to coexist in appropriate areas <br />which support limited commercial zoning. Since well planned, mixed <br />use projects are deemed to be desirable and an efficient use of <br />land, a density bonus of two units per acre has been identified as <br />an incentive to encourage their development. Mixed use projects, <br />which are generally defined as a successful physical and functional <br />integration of commercial and residential land uses in a multi level <br />complex. These types of projects are eligible to receive the density <br />bonus provided that the performance based standards for this type of <br />development are satisfied. <br /> <br />Existin~ Uses: Existing multi-family residential, family care and <br />group care facilities should be allowed to remain id the General <br />Commercial Zoning District with the understanding that these types <br />of land uses would be considered (once this amendment is adopted) to <br /> <br /> <br />