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E~C~IVESUMM~Y <br /> <br />In mid 1996, Cabarms County Manager Frank Clifton asked County Extension Director <br />Alvin Stanford of the North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service, Cabarrus Center <br />to develop recommendations on land use options for the Cabarms County Landfill after <br />it was closed. A task force, which met for the first time on 9/17/96, included <br />representatives of Cabarrus County Health Department, North Carolina Cooperative <br />Extension Service, North Carolina Forest Service, USDA's Farm Service Agency, <br />USDA's Soil Conservation Service, Cabarms County Planning Department, Cabarms <br />County Parks and Recreation Department, Cabarrus County Budget Office, and the <br />Cabarms County Manager. <br /> <br />All unlined landfills within the State of North Carolina will be closed by December 31, <br />1997, including the Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) portion of the Cabarrus County <br />Landf'fll. The Cabarms County Landfill property consists of some 317 acres, 100 acres <br />of which is actual landfill space. <br /> <br />Some seven possible landfill options were discussed at some point by the task force. <br />Each of these options are outlined below in alphabetical order, with their associate pros <br />and cons: <br /> <br />Agricultural Uses <br /> Pros: Low-cost or no-cost to county; property maintained in <br /> environmentally attractive manner; perimeter fencing already in place; <br /> cattle would efficiently utilize grass or grass could be put into hay <br /> production; farmer could compensate county for use of property; contract <br /> could require pasture management to maintain and preserve open land and <br /> fencing; no health concerns to cattle from grazing landfill property; would <br /> not preclude any future use of development of the site; and would keep <br /> open (green) space in the county. <br /> <br />Cons: May not utilize total landfill acreage to its fullest potential; little <br />or no benefit to general public; and Iow financial return to the county. <br /> <br />Bo <br /> <br />Continue as Construction & Demolition (C & D) Landfill, Rec¥clin~ Center, <br />and Service Center <br /> Pros: Income would be generated from C & D landfill; services would <br /> be continued (i.e. recycling, oil and battery collection); mandated <br /> programs continued (i.e. white goods and tire collection); county <br /> personnel already in place to maintain property; existing facilities <br /> (maintenance shop, scale house, concrete pads, etc.) suitable to continue <br /> services. <br /> <br />Cons: Would not utilize total landfill acreage to its potential. <br /> <br /> <br />