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Do <br /> <br />Eo <br /> <br />Fo <br /> <br />District Recreational Park (See Attachment 2) <br /> Pros: Fifteen year Parks and Recreation Master Plan calls for minimum <br /> 200 acre park in northeast portion of the county; diverse site with unique <br /> topographical features; county already owns 317 acres of land, high land <br /> acquisition cost not required; future earth moving costs could be defrayed <br /> by using existing landfill equipment; by using the landfill site a second <br /> time as a park, it would be possible to turn a negative (i.e. landfill) into <br /> a positive (i.e. park); site lends itself to a variety of public, quasi-public, <br /> and entrepreneurial ventures; land could be leased to private concerns, <br /> community groups, or businesses to build ball fields, horse show facilities, <br /> military museums, archery ranges, etc.; adding water and sewer lines as <br /> required by a park could promote economic development in this area and <br /> enhance the value of landfill property and surrounding property. <br /> <br />Cons: Water and sewer would be required, but are not presently <br />available; projected costs for water system extensions were $1,477,400 in <br />1994 (see attachment 3) with projected costs for sewer system extension <br />projected to be $4,200,000 (see attachment 4); cost of site study by a <br />professional engineer as suggested by Parks and Recreation; on going <br />activities at landfill would detract from park experience (i.e. sheriff's <br />firing range, tire collection, white goods collection, and C & D landfill); <br />negative public pemeption of landfill park with recent methane gas <br />explosion in Mecklenburg County; scarcely populated portion of Cabarrus <br />County to benefit from park. <br /> <br />Leasing the Hunting Rights of the Entire Tract to a Hunt/Wildlife Club <br /> Pros: Low-cost, no-cost to county; could compensate county for use of <br /> land; would not preclude future development of site; would enhance <br /> wildlife potential in Cabarms County. <br /> <br />Cons: May not use property to its fullest potential; limited public access <br />(hunt club members only); liability issues; low financial return to county. <br /> <br />Maintaining Fenced Landfill Site Under Lock and Key <br /> Pros: Low-cost to county; would not require additional public utilities <br /> such as the water or sewer required by other options. <br /> <br />Cons: Would not utilize landfill acreage to its potential by the most <br />county residents. <br /> <br />Maintaining Road Frontage for Future Count,' Development and Expansio.n_ <br /> Pros: County already owns 317 acres of land which it must assume <br /> responsibility for for 30 years from the date of landfill closure; as county <br /> population continues to grow, county government may need to expand or <br /> <br /> <br />