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Memorandum <br />Page 2 <br />March 24, 1997 <br /> <br />4. Future part-time employees will earn vacation benefits at the revised rate. <br /> <br />All current full-time employees will have only one opportunity to select whether or not to <br />participate in the program. If an employee decides not to participate, he/she will not be <br />eligible to change that decision unless some future action of the Board of Commissioners <br />provides otherwise. <br /> <br />The proposed benefit program changes to be submitted to the Board of Commissioners for their <br />consideration are: <br /> <br />· RETIREE HEALTH AND LIFE INSURANCE COVERAGE <br /> <br />A. Current retirees do not qualify for this new benefit. <br /> <br />Employees with less than I0 years service to Cabarrus County in the NCLGERS qualify for <br />a maximum of one-half (50%) the benefit level extended to employees with at least ten years <br />service to Cabarrus County and qualifying for retirement under NCLGERS guidelines. <br /> <br />Current employees selecting to modify their benefit package to qualify for retiree health/life <br />insurance coverage will also see a modification to their vacation accrual schedule as noted: <br /> <br />Years of Service <br />Less than 5 years <br />5 but less than 10 years <br />10 but less than 15 years <br />15 but less than 20 years <br />20 years plus <br /> <br />Vacation Days Annually <br /> 10 <br /> 13 <br /> 15 <br /> 17 <br /> 20 <br /> <br />An employee currently eaming more than the proposed vacation days per years of service will <br />remain at the current level until advancement in seniority reaches the appropriate vacation <br />schedule. Employees now earning more than the maximum of 20 days vacation per year must <br />reduce to a maximum of 20 days per year if they select to participate in the retiree health/life <br />insurance coverage program. <br /> <br />Future new employees hired after these policy changes are adopted will fall under the <br />guidelines as established. <br /> <br />Retiree health/life coverage will be provided to retirees qualifying under this program on the <br />same basis as these benefits are extended to active employees. (Currently the County provides <br />full payment of these benefits at an average monthly cost ors 138/month/employee, or $1,656 <br />annually per employee.) <br /> <br /> <br />