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Public safety is also a concern regarding this structure. A canopy extends from the structure over the <br />sidewalk beside of Union Street. This canopy is attached to the building with metal supports into the <br />masonry wall, (through the false metal facade)..The canopy could collapse onto the sidewalk during <br />a period of heavy rain or wind. The potential for this occurring depends on the condition of the <br />masonry into which the supports are fastened. If this masonry wall is in the same condition as the <br />remainder of the walls, this presents a definite liability. <br /> <br />A Concord Electrical Utilities vehicle was used to view the roof of the structure. The east and south <br />east comer of the roof has collapsed onto the upper, (second), floor. This was noted from the lower <br />floor. The sky could be seen from the first floor through the second floor. Indications are the second <br />floor has collapsed on the north side of the building. The collapsed section is visible from a doorway <br />accessible from Building #2. <br /> <br />Due to the conditions of this building, only limited entrance into the building was made. Mold and <br />other fungus has already begun to grow on the exposed interior surfaces. Rain water has entered the <br />building for an undetermined amount of time saturating the exposed surfaces with a direct <br />cause/effect relation to the amount of visible damage. <br /> <br />Kenny McCombs and Harold Sinclair of the Cabarrus County Building Inspection Department was <br />requested to view the conditions of the building. They said that the building was structurally unsound <br />and would initiate condemnation processes when they returned to their office. Signs saying "No <br />Interior Fire Attack" would be posted on the exterior of the building to warn fire suppression <br />personnel of the dangerous condition of the structure. This action was taken to ensure the safety of <br />any fire suppression personnel that may respond to the building. A rapidly developing fire in a vacant <br />structure combined with structurally damaged wood will fall quite rapidly. <br /> <br />The sidewalk underneath the overhang, (east side), was cordoned for public safety. A metal facade <br />prevents inspection of the underlying masonry condition. Collapse of the roof structure immediately <br />behind this facade has already occurred. Failure of the roof system in this area could have <br />significantly affected the stability of the overhang, facade, and east wall. This structural weakening <br />could allow any of these components to fail with injury to pedestrian traffic on the sidewalk and <br />damage to vehicles parked along the street. <br /> <br />BUII,DING TWO <br /> <br />This building does not have the visible damage evident in Building One. Exterior deterioration has <br />occurred to the masonry work of this structure. Second floor windows of the building are open and <br />access can be gained to the basement area. The North Carolina Building Code Volume V, Fke <br />Prevention requires that all vacant structures have all accumulations of flammable or combustible <br />waste or rubbish removed. Vacant structures will be securely locked, barricaded, or otherwise secure <br />all doors, windows or openings thereof. The premises will be maintained clear of any waste or <br />hazardous materials. <br /> <br />An additional condition noted was the temporary wiring in the building. Two wires have been <br />extended through the building to provide temporary lighting. The electrical panel box for this wire <br /> <br /> <br />