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Mr. Moose said maybe the Board should wait until they find out what is going <br />to be put there before they change iL He said it is not a problem to get it <br />approved if you specify something you want to put there. <br /> <br />Mr. Moose MOTIONED to deny Petition 97-11, seconded by Mr. Drye. <br /> <br />Mr. Wallace said to the Board since this thing came up about water and sewer, <br />he said if you check with Maurice Ewing or Frank Clifton you will be told that <br />they were approached by the County because the County had spent a lot of <br />money in industrial development at Stanley. He said on the Corning deal they <br />asked him if he would install the sewer and he said he spent about $160,080.00 <br />bringing sewer from the public utilities down through this piece of property to <br />Coming <br /> <br />The Chair said to Mr. Wallace he has to deal with a Motion here to deny this <br />rezoning. He said at the same time he has heard conversation among the Board <br />that they would like to approve it, but they would like to know what is going to <br />be there. <br /> <br />The Chair asked Mr. Wallace if this rezoning was declined and he could not get <br />a reconsideration to approve it, would it present a hardship, economically, <br />because he has already put money into this. <br /> <br />Mr. Wallace said it would not present an economic hardship. He said the <br />hardship that it would present is not to him, but the incoming industry, because <br />of the timing factor. <br /> <br />The Chair said if it was declined tonight and Mr. Wallace came up with someone <br />who was going to buy it, and he knew the purpose, he asked if that would be all <br />right with him. <br /> <br />Mr. Wallace said it would be all fight, but he would like ask the Chair or Mr. <br />Marshall for one clarification. He said once you apply for rezoning isn't there a <br />time frame before you can come back? <br /> <br />Mr. Marshall said there is. He said he is going to step back on this issue a little <br />bit. He said when they instituted special use rezoning in the County, one of the <br />conditions by which you can do special use rezoning, which is very close to <br />contract zoning which is not legal, is that it is the petitioner's choice what he <br />brings before the Board. Mr. Marshall said the Board should consider the <br />petition as brought before you. To approve or deny based on the type of petition <br />they have brought to the Board solely is stepping over that line into illegal <br />contract zoning. He cautioned the Board as they ask questions like this, would <br />you bring it back as a special use or even offer that you could approve it as a <br /> <br /> <br />