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Stealth Antenna associated with a permitted use which <br />does not exceed the maximum heights as set forth in <br />number 4 below unless excepted by Section 6-13. <br /> <br />WTS Antenna Co-located on an existing WT$ tower where <br />the Antenna height is not increased more than twenty (20) <br />feet. <br /> <br />WTS Antenna located on an existing utility pole, <br />transmission tower, water tank or similar utility structure <br />which serves a different purpose and where the WT$ <br />Antenna does not increase the total height more than twenty <br />(20) tees <br /> <br />WTS Antenna located in an L-C, G-C, L-I, or G-I <br />Zoning District attached to or mounted on a principal <br />building and where the maximum total height does not <br />exceed the following: <br /> <br />District Maximum Height (in vertical feet) <br /> <br />L-C 45 <br />G~C 80 <br />L-I 80 <br />G-I 80 <br /> <br />WTS Development approved under this administrative process shall not of itself <br />be considered as Development that would initiate the Buffer and Screening <br />Requirement as required by Chapter 9. All Accessory Equipment Structures, <br />however, shall meet the Accessory_ Structure requirements of, the district in <br />which located. <br /> <br />Board of Adjustment Review <br /> <br />Demonstration of Need: The applicant shall provide a diagram <br />showing the cell site configuration illustrating the coverage area of <br />the proposed wireless telecommunication tower and/or antenna. <br />This diagram shall demonstrate the frequency re-use and spacing <br />needs of the wireless system in order to provide adequate coverage <br />and capacity to areas that cannot be adequately served bv other <br />locations. <br /> <br />WT$ Format Preference: The regulation of Wireless <br />Telecommunications Services facilities is intended to provide for <br />the appropriate location, development and installation of <br /> <br /> <br />