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Siltation - means sediment resulting from accelerated erosion which is <br />setteable or removable by properly designed, constructed, and <br />maintained control measures; and which has been transported from its <br />point of origin within the site of a land-disturbing activity; and which <br />has been deposited, or is in suspension in water. <br /> <br />Storm Drainage Facilities - means the system of inlets, conduits, channels, <br />ditches and appurtenances which serve to collect and convey storm water <br />through and from a given drainage area. <br /> <br />Storm Water Runoff - means the direct runoff of water resulting from <br />precipitation in any form. <br /> <br />Subsidiary - an affiliate that is directly, or indirectly through one' or more <br />intermdeiaries, controlled by another person. <br /> <br />SWCD - means the Cabarrus Soil and Water Conservation District. <br /> <br />Ten-Year Storm - means the surface runoff resulting from a rainfall of an <br />intensity expected to be equaled or exceeded, on the average, once in ten <br />years, and of a duration which will produce the maximum peak rate of <br />runoff, for the watershed of interest under average antecedent wetness <br />conditions. <br /> <br />Tract - means all contiguous land and bodies of water being disturbed or <br />to be disturbed as a unit, regardless of ownership. <br /> <br />Twenty-five Year Storm - means the surface runoff resulting from a <br />rainfall of an intensity expected to be equaled or exceeded, on the <br />average, once in 25 years, and of a duration which will produce the <br />maximum peak rate of runoff, from the watershed of interest under <br />average antecedent wetness conditions. <br /> <br />Uncovered - means the removal of ground cover from, on, or above the <br />soil surface. <br /> <br />Undertaken - means the initiating of an activity, or phase of activity, <br />which results or will result in a change in the ground cover or topography <br />of a tract of land. <br /> <br />Velocity - means the average velocity of flow through the cross section of <br />the main channel at the peak flow of the storm of interest. The cross <br />section of the main channel shall be that area defined by the geometry of <br />the channel plus the area of flow below the flood height defined by <br /> <br />5 <br /> <br /> <br />