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do <br /> <br />inadequate to meet the requirements of this. Ordinance, the County <br />staff may require any revision of the Plan that is necessary to <br />comply with this Ordinance. Failure to approve, approve with <br />modifications, or disapprove a revised erosion control plan within <br />fifteen (15) days of receipt shall be deemed approval of the Plan. <br />Activities indicated on approved Plans not completed within <br />eighteen (18) months of the date of approval shall also be deemed <br />null and void. If, following commencement of a land-disturbing <br />activity pursuant to an approved Plan, the County staff determines <br />that the Plan is inadequate to meet the requirements of this <br />Ordinance, the County staff may require any revision that is <br />necessary to comply with this Ordinance. <br /> <br />Persons conducting land-disturbing activities which are addressed <br />by this Ordinance shall have secured a grading permit (in <br />accordance with procedures described herein) before any land- <br />disturbing activities commence. A copy of the approved Plan shall <br />be maintained at the job site by the persons conducting the land- <br />disturbing activity. After approving the Plan, if the County staff, <br />either upon review of such Plan or on inspection of the job site, <br />determines that a significant risk of accelerated erosion or off-site <br />sedimentation exists, the County staff may require that a revised <br />Plan be submitted. Pending the preparation and approval of the <br />revised Plan, work shall cease or shall continue under conditions <br />outlined by the appropriate authority. <br /> <br />A Plan may be disapproved unless accompanied by an authorized <br />statement of financial responsibility and ownership. This <br />statement shall be signed by the person financially responsible for <br />the land-disturbing activity or their attorney in fact. The statement <br />shall include the mailing and street addresses of the principal place <br />of business of the person financially responsible and of the owner <br />of the land or their registered agents. If the person financially <br />responsible is not a resident of North Carolina, a North Carolina <br />agent must be designated in the statement for the purpose of <br />receiving notice of compliance or non-compliance with the Plan, <br />the Act, this Ordinance, or rules or orders adopted or issued <br />pursuant to this Ordinance. <br /> <br />Any Plan submitted for a land-disturbing activity for which an <br />environmental document is required by the North Carolina <br />Environmental Policy Act (G.S. l13A-1, et seq.) shall be deemed <br />incomplete until a complete environmental document is available <br />for review. The County staff shall promptly notify the person <br /> <br />17 <br /> <br /> <br />