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submitting the Plan that the thirty (30) day time limit for review of <br />the Plan pursuant to Section 17(a) of this Ordinance shall not begin <br />until a complete environmental document is available for review. <br /> <br />The Plan required by this section shall contain architectural and <br />engineering drawings, maps, assumptions, calculations, and <br />narrative statements as needed to adequately describe the <br />proposed development of the tract and the measures planned to <br />comply with the requirements of this Ordinance. Plan content may <br />vary to meet the needs of specific site requirements. Detailed <br />guidelines for Plan preparation shall be available from the County <br />staff on request. <br /> <br />A Plan may be disapproved upon a finding that an applicant, or a <br />parent, subsidiary, or other affiliate of the applicant; <br /> <br />Is conducting or has conducted land-disturbing activity <br />without an approved Plan, or has received notice of <br />violation of a Plan previously approved by the NCSCC or <br />the County pursuant to the Act and has not complied with <br />the notice within the time specified in the notice. <br /> <br />Has failed to pay a civil penalty assessed pursuant to the <br />Act or a local ordinance adopted pursuant to the Act by the <br />time the payment is due. <br /> <br />Has been convicted of a misdemeanor pursuant to G.S. <br />l13A-64(b) or any criminal provision of a local ordinance <br />adopted pursuant to the Act or; <br /> <br />Has failed to substantially comply with State rules or local <br />ordinances and regulations adopted pursuant to the AcL <br />For purposes of this Ordinance, Subsection (g) an applicant's <br />record may be considered for only the two (2) years prior to <br />the application date. <br /> <br />Applications for amendment of a Plan in written and/or graphic <br />form may be made at any time under the same conditions as the <br />original application. Until such time as said amendment is <br />approved by the County staff, land-disturbing activity shall not <br />proceed except in accordance with the Plan as originally approved. <br /> <br />Any person engaged in land-disturbing activity who fails to file a <br />Plan in accordance with this Ordinance, or who conducts a land- <br /> <br />18 <br /> <br /> <br />