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Information will be collected, compared and analyzed regarding land area and <br /> population trends; selected characteristics of school district residents; <br /> characteristics of the pupil population; instructional programs; administrative and <br /> auxiliary services; school facilities; and fiscal resources and expenditures. <br /> Duplication of services, analysis of personnel, and comparison of expectations will <br /> be perforated. <br /> A detailed analysis of school facilities (to include growth patterns) will be <br /> evaluated. <br />The Study-Analysis and Report Phase <br /> Based on the research obtained, The Welkin Group, Inc. will analyze and present <br /> merger advantages and disadvantages and various alternatives. Gains and losses <br /> associated with a merged system from federal, state and local funding and the <br /> effects on instructional opportunities for children will be considered as pan of this <br /> analysis. From the analysis will stem the recommendations that will more clearly <br /> define what avenues would produce the best results for the school systems <br /> involved. <br /> <br />SUBSEQUENT INFORMATION/QUESTIONS/ANSWERS/RESPONSES <br />(Listed below are the statements, questions and concerns offered by the representative <br />groups. Responses from The Welkin Group, Inc. are also reported.) <br /> Interviews would be conducted in a two-part stage. The Welkin Group would sit <br /> down with superintendents and identify the people to be interviewed. <br /> A contact person would be selected fi'om each school system to assist with <br /> scheduling interviews and serve as a contact person for the details of the study. <br /> Legal issues? The Welkin Group is very familiar with the legal issues of merger. <br /> They would work closely with attorneys. <br /> The information should be compiled and compared in a standard form. The <br /> County Commissioners have provided data in the past, but what does it mean? <br /> The Welkin Group would assemble the infom~ation in an understandable format. <br /> Per Frank Clifton, the law requires a merger plan. The County Commissioners <br /> want to make sure we get a plan for merger. Per Dr. Trogdon, every situation is <br /> unique. Sometimes mergers occur without a great deal of research and the <br /> aftermath can be devastating. Careful consideration of a merged systemneeds to <br /> be accomplished in a clear and objective way. <br /> It was noted that the study could reveal one of three things: 1) Kannapolis could <br /> remain independent, 2) Kannapolis could merge with Cabarrus County Schools, <br /> or 3) Kannapolis could merge with Rowan County Schools. The study should <br /> portray the different scenarios. <br /> Conununication re merger study? There is a timeline in the proposal with <br /> benchmarks. It would be important to have the commissioners involved. <br /> The timeline stated that the contracts for the study would be with the County <br /> Commissioners? That would be a decision you would need to resolve. <br /> Would "spot" interviews be conducted to get input from people who do not have <br /> the "in route?" We have done that. Mr. Clifton offered that this may not be the <br /> best method. A systematic approach should be considered. <br /> A report would be made to the Boards every two months. <br /> <br /> <br />