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No parking kiss <br />of death for fair, <br />McEachern says <br />By ALLAN BOGER <br />Staff Writer <br /> Coumy Manager Frank Clifton <br />and Cab·ecu· County Fair Manager <br />Harold McEacbern have both done a <br />Iai of thinking about the county fair <br />lately. <br /> Beyond that. they don't agree on <br />many poinls about thc future, thc <br />scope, the location, or the nature of <br />a county fair. <br /> It's one of the biggest in the state. <br />McEachern says proudly. It has <br />operated on the same site on W. <br />Cab·rrna Avenue for 4.:5 years, and. <br />according to thc falr's board of <br />directors, it should remain on W. <br />Cabarrus Avenue. <br /> Enter Clifton and thc Cabarrus <br />County Board of Commissioners. <br /> Commissioners view the fair- <br />grounds as an opportunity, apicce of <br />real estate worth millions of dollars <br />on the market, and a resource that <br />should be used for its highest and <br />best purpose. <br /> Clearly. commissioners argue. <br />such valuable real estate should be <br />sold, put back on the tax books and <br /> <br />sell its land at II.S. 601129 and sub- <br /> <br />rent lease with the fair board for use <br />of county owned land for fair park- <br />ing within the one-year notice <br />requirement." Clifton wrote <br />McEacbem on May 5. <br /> 'qf they take this lease land away <br />from us. it will be the kiss of death <br />to us." said McEachcrn this week. <br /> The [`air is welcome to keep their <br /> <br />ty's 20. but it's going to be tough <br />operating the fair on a site that <br />small. <br /> McEachero said proposals to <br /> <br /> "It had come up as long ago as <br />1984 to move the fair. sell. the <br /> <br />he said. 'q'his has always been in <br />the back of my mind where we <br />would move the fair." <br /> <br />where the fair could go. how much <br />moving would cost and whether the <br /> See Fair / page IA <br /> <br />Fair <br /> <br /> continued from page 1 <br />fair association can affor~ to move. <br /> A suggestion to move the fair to <br />N.C. 49 to state-owned land <br />adjacent to Stonewall Jackson <br />School has apparently fallen <br />through. <br /> "That's canceled out," Clifton <br />said. "The fair says they don't w~nt <br />to be there, and the state said they <br />don't believe that's a go<xl place for <br />the fair." <br /> Another option is to move the <br />fair to part of the '~00 acres al the <br />county landfill. Clifton said. where <br />there's room for the fait to be · true <br />agricultural fair again. <br /> But Mc£achern says it would <br />cost $2.7 million to move. and <br />the fair just doesn't have the <br />money. <br /> "1 understand Harold has talked <br />with Humpy Wheeler (at the <br />Charlotte Motor Sl?~.dway:' Clifton <br />said. "That would mdicate to me <br />that the fair is not aimed st Cab·rrna <br />County but as much aa the <br />population in Mecklenburg:' <br /> McEachern disagrees. <br /> Clifton said a good way for the <br />fair association to m~ximize a <br />return on their 12 acres would be to <br />combine it with the county's 20. and <br />the Cab·ri'us schools' school bus <br />garage site and sell it in one lump. <br /> lie shamed up the situation and <br />a little frustration in a July 7 letter <br />to McEaehero: <br /> "As I now understand it. the fair <br />board has determined that it doe~ <br />not want to be included in any plans <br />to work with the state regarding the <br />Stonewall Jackson School property <br />on Hwy. 49. The fair board ha.~ al~o <br />determined that it does not intend to <br />or cannot afford to move to another <br />site other than it~ current 12-acre <br />site on Hwy. 601t'29. You feel <br />slzongly that the fair's future <br />location options should be ai..m_ed <br />toward Ibe I-RS/Speedway area. and <br />you will pursue that course." <br /> The fair association shows little <br />enthusiasm for ~:ellin8 anything or <br />moving anywhere. <br /> "We tried to cooperate ail the <br />way." McEachem said. "We met <br />with Sue Casper (chairman of the <br /> <br />Clarification <br /> A headline in Tuesday's <br />independent Tribune attributed a <br />statement to fair manager Ha.old <br />Mc. Eachem that was not included in <br />the story. <br /> Today's article about the fair and <br /> its futura contains the fair <br /> manager's comments. <br /> <br />county board of comlnissionet~) <br />and .she suggested we appoinl a <br />committee to study the ixsue. Our <br />study is not done yet, but the <br />preliminary report shows Ihat <br />moving the fair and putting it beck <br />together with 22 buildings. 56.000 <br />square feet undel' roof and bringing <br />the whole thin8 up to code would <br />cost $2.7 million. <br /> "We don't have the money to <br />move. We have no choice. We can <br />tun ,.he fair right here on our land. <br />but it's hal that we don't want a <br />bigger and better fair. If wc do not <br />have the land from the connty, it <br />will make us a very sumll fair. and l <br />do not believe we would ~urvive for <br />long on 12 acres." <br /> "Everything has to adapt to <br />some change." Clifton ~taid. <br />"When the fair went out there 40 <br />years ago. there was mqhing else <br />out there. It was a suit·hie site <br />then. The landfill property would <br />be great. We could develop a <br />county fair out there and have <br />plenty of rooro ... We have <br />attempted to assist the fair in <br />their consideration of Irying to <br />sell their property and take the <br />proceeds and build a new fair <br /> <br />not generated a lot of serious <br />consideration ... My intent was to <br />notify them and put thc property <br />up for sale. They have a couple <br />different options. The ['air i~; the <br />only one who could make those <br />decisions." <br /> McEachcro ~ays Ibc fair is good. <br />clean ['un: and il has beCt~ltle a <br /> <br />County rc~idcnts. TI~c fair is <till an <br />"old timey, country, fair" and retains <br />its agricultural emphasis. <br /> "The fair is controlled by the <br />sberiff's department, and we come <br />under a lot of things like laws and <br />regulations from [he heahh <br />department which ha~ lo inspect all <br />our food booths." he said. "The fire <br />marshal inspects all Ibc boildings. <br />and we have about 100.tX)0 people <br />out there in eight days. I did some <br />investigating '.eith other fair <br />managers and the Departmenl of <br />Agriculture who sanctions our fair <br />and we have to have carl·in poin~ <br />to be an agricultural fair. The <br />sheriff has to be involved to con,al <br />the games and make sure the <br />carnival puts on what they say they <br />will put on." <br /> McEachero insi~t~ that the fair is <br /> still an agricoltural fair with <br /> "hundreds and hundreds of poultry. <br /> cattle, the farm and home building <br /> full of 4-H. baked gtx~ds, antiques. <br /> and a grit mill. The commercial <br /> building was full last year. and we <br /> still have an old timey fair. We don't <br /> compete with anyl'~y." <br /> He said the county was paid <br /> S26.000 in taxe'~ last year. "and the <br /> more money we make. the more we <br /> have to give away." The fair pays <br /> $15.000 in premiums annually and <br /> gives money to 4-H for their help in <br /> staging the agricultural exhibits. <br /> <br /> <br />